
class osgParticle::SectorPlacer

A sector-shaped particle placer.


Public Methods

[more] META_Object(osgParticle, SectorPlacer)
[more]inline SectorPlacer()
[more]inline SectorPlacer(const SectorPlacer &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop)
[more]inline const rangef& getRadiusRange() const
Get the range of possible values for radius
[more]inline const rangef& getPhiRange() const
Get the range of possible values for the central angle
[more]inline void setRadiusRange(const rangef &r)
Set the range of possible values for radius
[more]inline void setRadiusRange(float r1, float r2)
Set the range of possible values for radius
[more]inline void setPhiRange(const rangef &r)
Set the range of possible values for the central angle
[more]inline void setPhiRange(float r1, float r2)
Set the range of possible values for the central angle
[more]inline void place(Particle* P) const
Place a particle.

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~SectorPlacer()
[more]SectorPlacer& operator=(const SectorPlacer &)

Inherited from CenteredPlacer:

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* libraryName() const
ovirtual const char* className() const
ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
oinline const osg::Vec3& getCenter() const
oinline void setCenter(const osg::Vec3 &v)
oinline void setCenter(float x, float y, float z)

Inherited from Placer:


A sector-shaped particle placer. This placer sets the initial position of incoming particle by choosing a random position within a circular sector; this sector is defined by three parameters: a center point, which is inherited directly from osgParticle::CenteredPlacer, a range of values for radius, and a range of values for the central angle (sometimes called phi).
o META_Object(osgParticle, SectorPlacer)

ovirtual ~SectorPlacer()

oSectorPlacer& operator=(const SectorPlacer &)

oinline SectorPlacer()

oinline SectorPlacer(const SectorPlacer &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop)

oinline const rangef& getRadiusRange() const
Get the range of possible values for radius

oinline const rangef& getPhiRange() const
Get the range of possible values for the central angle

oinline void setRadiusRange(const rangef &r)
Set the range of possible values for radius

oinline void setRadiusRange(float r1, float r2)
Set the range of possible values for radius

oinline void setPhiRange(const rangef &r)
Set the range of possible values for the central angle

oinline void setPhiRange(float r1, float r2)
Set the range of possible values for the central angle

oinline void place(Particle* P) const
Place a particle. Do not call it manually.

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