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Freedom News: Fair Use is
a Right!
Lawrence Lessig: From the front line
Politech: Shapiro's speech Newsforge: Consumer groups state DRM case
Register: White House plan boosts Palladium, TCPA Register: M$ lobbied heavily to influence the report? Register: RMS weighs in Seul.org: Draft report online
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More: U.S. politicians want P2P pirates placed in federal prison
Politech: Anti-democratic influence of money on Berman bill backers News-Record.com: Coble wrong about Hollywood hackers Wired: Dark side hack bill Register: Congress turns hacks into hackers. Hilarious! News.com: Hollywood will hack your PC
DMCA prompts censorship Academic freedom is under attack DMCA is reckless and ill-conceived Academia has a vested interest in fair use Citizenship is blocked by laws like the DMCA Copyright is not a property grant DMCA is a failure
Photos: Thanks Declan!
The Register: MS to eradicate GPL Washington Post: Microsoft Wants Security Hard-Wired in Your Computer Slashdot: MS Palladium patent Read the Palladium FAQ Microsoft's notions of "security" and "trust" are obviously one-sided, and such a system would certainly be used to squash fair use and first sale rights. Moreover, mono-culture is bad policy for computer security; Damages will be widespread when the system is inevitably compromised. The internet is our public common, but in this scheme Microsoft would be the sole gatekeeper. Free software can protect you from such outrages, because the source code is anchored to the commons for all to see. Use free software instead of Microsoft products.
Word Processor: AbiWord Spreadsheet: Gnumeric Email app: Postilion Graphics editor: The Gimp Presentation SW: ImageMagick Personal encryption: GnuPG Web Services: DotGNU All of this software is available for Apple computers and Intel PCs, from The GNU-Darwin Distribution