
: Interface TransformerHandler

Interface TransformerHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
IdentityTransformerHandler, TransformerHandlerImpl

A TransformerHandler listens for SAX ContentHandler parse events and transforms them to a Result.

          Get the base ID (URI or system ID) from where relative URLs will be resolved.
          Enables the user of the TransformerHandler to set the to set the Result for the transformation.
          Set the base ID (URI or system ID) from where relative URLs will be resolved.
Method Summary

          Get the Transformer associated with this handler, which is needed in order to set parameters and output properties.

Method Detail

               throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Enables the user of the TransformerHandler to set the to set the Result for the transformation.
result - A Result instance, should not be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if result is invalid for some reason.


public void setSystemId(java.lang.String systemID)
Set the base ID (URI or system ID) from where relative URLs will be resolved.
systemID - Base URI for the source tree.


public java.lang.String getSystemId()
Get the base ID (URI or system ID) from where relative URLs will be resolved.


Get the Transformer associated with this handler, which is needed in order to set parameters and output properties.