
class osgUtx::TestVisitor

Visits while maintaining the current hierarchical context.


Public Methods

[more]virtual bool visitEnter( TestSuite* )
[more]virtual bool visit( TestCase* ) = 0
[more]virtual bool visitLeave( TestSuite* )

Protected Methods

[more] TestVisitor()
[more] TestVisitor( const TestVisitor& )
[more]virtual ~TestVisitor()


Visits while maintaining the current hierarchical context. Also allows the traversal to be short-cicuited at any point during the visitation.
ovirtual bool visitEnter( TestSuite* )

ovirtual bool visit( TestCase* ) = 0

ovirtual bool visitLeave( TestSuite* )

o TestVisitor()

o TestVisitor( const TestVisitor& )

ovirtual ~TestVisitor()

Direct child classes:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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