
class SG_EXPORT osgUtx::TestRunner

A TestRunner is a visitor which will run specified tests as it traverses the test graph.


Public Methods

[more] TestRunner( TestContext& ctx )
[more]void specify( const std::string& sQualifiedName )
Tests may be specified by partial names.
[more]bool visitEnter( TestSuite* pSuite )
[more]bool visit( TestCase* pTest )
[more]bool visitLeave( TestSuite* pSuite )

Protected Methods

[more]void perform( TestCase* pTest )

Inherited from TestQualifier:

Public Methods

oconst std::string& currentPath() const

Inherited from TestVisitor:


A TestRunner is a visitor which will run specified tests as it traverses the test graph.

\todo Consider an accessor method to get at the TestReport if necessary.

o TestRunner( TestContext& ctx )

ovoid specify( const std::string& sQualifiedName )
Tests may be specified by partial names. E.g. specifiying "root" will run all tests below root, i.e. all tests. Specifiying "root.osg" will run all tests below \em root.osg. Specifying "" will run all tests (and suites) below \em root.osg with names beginning with the \em de.

obool visitEnter( TestSuite* pSuite )

obool visit( TestCase* pTest )

obool visitLeave( TestSuite* pSuite )

ovoid perform( TestCase* pTest )

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