
Class type Cryptokit.Padding.scheme

class type scheme = object  end
Generic interface of a padding scheme.

method pad : string -> int -> unit
pad str used is called with a buffer string str containing valid input data at positions 0, ..., used-1. The pad method must write padding characters in positions used to String.length str - 1. It is guaranteed that used < String.length str, so that at least one character of padding must be added. The padding scheme must be unambiguous in the following sense: from buf after padding, it must be possible to determine used unambiguously. (This is what method Cryptokit.Padding.scheme.strip does.)
method strip : string -> int
This is the converse of the pad operation: from a padded string buf as built by method pad, strip buf determines and returns the starting position of the padding data, or equivalently the length of valid, non-padded input data in buf. This method must raise Error Bad_padding if buf does not have the format of a padded block as produced by pad.