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markup ...

Command-line Option



The LITEMPLATE resource specifies the markup for an entry in the main index message list. This resource works in conjuction with LITEMPLATE and LISTEND resources to format the main index page(es).

Default Setting

<ul><li><em>From</em>: $FROM$</li></ul>

Resource Variables

$A_ATTR$ The NAME and HREF attributes to use in an anchor to link to the archived message. The NAME attribute links the messages to the index page.
$A_HREF$ The HREF attribute to use in an anchor to link to the archived message.
$A_NAME$ The NAME attribute to use in an anchor for messages to link to the index page.
$DATE$ The date of the message.
$DDMMYYYY$ Message date in dd/mm/yyyy format.
$ENV$ Value of an environment variable.
$FROM$ The complete text in the From: field of the message.
$FROMADDR$ The e-mail address in the From: field of the message.
$FROMADDRDOMAIN$ The e-mail address domain of the From: field of the message.
$FROMADDRNAME$ The e-mail address "username" (or local-part) of the From: field of the message.
$FROMNAME$ The human name of the person in the From: field of the message. If no human name is found, the username specified in the e-mail address is used.
$ICON$ The context-type sensitive icon.
$ICONURL$ The URL to the context-type sensitive icon.
$MMDDYYYY$ Message date in mm/dd/yyyy format.
$MSGGMTDATE$ GMT date of current message.
$MSGID$ The message-id of the message.
$MSGLOCALDATE$ Local date of current message.
$MSGNUM$ The message number assigned to the message by MHonArc (includes leading zeros).
$MSGPREFIX$ Filename prefix for message files.
$MSGTORDNUM$ The ordinal message number of the current discussion thread.
$NOTE$ Message annotation.
$NUMFOLUP$ Number of explicit follow-ups to the message.
$ORDNUM$ The current listing number of the message.
$SUBJECT$ The subject text of the message, and if no arguments, wrapped in an anchor element that hyperlinks to the message.
$SUBJECTNA$ The subject text of the message without the anchor element.
$YYYYMMDD$ Message date in yyyy/mm/dd format.


Here is an example that lists each message with subject and the name of the person who wrote the message:




See Also


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$Date: 2002/07/27 05:13:10 $
Copyright © 1997-1998, Earl Hood,