GNU/Linux $HOME tarball tips
Dr. Michael L. Love, 2001.09.21
These instructions are still a work in
and may contain inaccuracies or omissions.
sure to read the APSL and the GPL,
so that you will know your
Send any email regarding this document
to proclus@gnu-darwin.org (Dr. Michael Love).
Please remember
that we are in alpha,
so this procedure is for the
Almost all the packages work,
but there are still many problems.
Join the project, if you want them fixed!
- Get what you need.
Download the the ports tarball, and read the directions.
Tip: Read the Slashdot
treatment of this development.
- There is a typo in the directions, which causes the binaries in
~/usr/local/bin to be unrecognized. Here is the correct path.
- Set Target
- If a particular port fails, try this magic.
% rm rf work/;make extract;cd work/*;./configure --prefix=/home/love/usr/local/ --enable-static --disable-shared ;cd ../;touch .configure_done;cd ..;make install
Of course, you will have to change "love" to your username.
try deleting the FreeBSD patches in the files directory. Although
these files are mostly helpful for GNU-Darwin at this time, they are likely to be less
helpful for GNU/Linux.
- Build static libraries
A quick way to get around the linux loader is to build static
libraries. (Otherwise, you may need root access to modify the ldconfig
- Toggle LOCALBASE and X11BASE
If there is some problem with the libraries in $HOME, then use the
system libraries. Just toggle these variables by changing them in the
Makefile like this.
- "I get the following error."
Makefile:42: *** missing separator. Stop.
This means that you are invoking GNU Make instead of the BSD Make that is
provided with the ports tarball in ~/usr/bin. Make sure that ~/usr/bin
comes before /usr/bin in your $PATH
- "I get an error about sys.mk."
That was just about all I needed to build a working WindowMaker in my
home directory. Please feel free to send in your tips.