Version 2.1 ----------- - Added support for 3D plot rotation - Added support for 3D plot tics level - Added support for specifying number of isolines (isosamples) for 3D plots - Added support for turning hidden lines off (hidden3d, nohidden3d) in 3D plots - Fixed bug with loading function plot type (lines, or points, etc) from an Xgfe saved file - Fixed bugs with logscale commands - Fixed bug with tics commands Version 2.0 ----------- Added support for tics options: xtics, ytics, ztics, x2tics, and y2tics. Added "Save Xgfe" and "Load Xgfe" items to "File" menu. "Save Xgfe" will save all plotting information to a specially formatted text file so that "Load Xgfe" will load the data and fill in the GUI with the data to re-create the plot. Corrected my misunderstanding of plot sizes. Plot sizes are always scaling factors. In the postscript and pbm terminal options, I filled in the default sizes of 10x7 and 640x480 respectively. Gnuplot read these numbers as scaling factors. Changed to input sizes as 1 for scaling factors. Added dialog to specify box width for boxes style of plotting Modified plot size dialog to load currently stored values. Modified latex, emtex, pbm, and postscript terminals to load currently stored values. Added enhanced option to the postscript terminal (thanks to Chi-hsuan Lai for sending in a patch) Changed terminal label to display terminal name only; will not include options in label. Made sure all dialogs are keyboard friendly. Added curve fitting support. Added geometry management to main dialog, and many other dialogs for the ability to resize windows with the mouse. Added Advanced Menu for multiple files, multiple functions, and curve fitting. Re-arranged Options menu to make more sense. Added support for index, every, and smooth datafile modifier commands. Added log-scale support Added capability to call external programs for data file filtering Added the following plotting styles for data files (for use with v3.6 of gnuplot): fsteps, histeps, xerrorbars, yerrorbars, xyerrorbars, boxerrorbars, boxxyerrorbars, financebars, candlesticks Added option for selecting bar size for use in bar type plots Version 1.3 ----------- Added support for specifying the title used in the legend for each file/function. Added multiple file/multiple function support. Version 1.2 ----------- Added support for "using" parameter so columns and scanf formats can be selected for datafiles. Added support for all options relating to the legend or "key" as Gnuplot calls it. Added replot support. Changed filename label to an edit box so you can type in a filename Added makefiles for other systems with the Qt utility tmake.