-- This file is part of SmartEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler. -- Copyright (C) 1994-2002 LORIA - INRIA - U.H.P. Nancy 1 - FRANCE -- Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - SmartEiffel@loria.fr -- http://SmartEiffel.loria.fr -- SmartEiffel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. SmartEiffel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- Public License along with SmartEiffel; see the file COPYING. If not, -- write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- deferred class ALIASED_STRING_LIST -- -- The initial set of STRING in STRING_ALIASER. -- feature {NONE} -- Hard-coded class names: as_any: STRING is "ANY" as_array: STRING is "ARRAY" as_bit: STRING is "BIT" as_bit_n: STRING is "BIT_N" as_boolean: STRING is "BOOLEAN" as_boolean_ref: STRING is "BOOLEAN_REF" as_character: STRING is "CHARACTER" as_character_ref: STRING is "CHARACTER_REF" as_dictionary: STRING is "DICTIONARY" as_double: STRING is "DOUBLE" as_double_ref: STRING is "DOUBLE_REF" as_exceptions: STRING is "EXCEPTIONS" as_fixed_array: STRING is "FIXED_ARRAY" as_function: STRING is "FUNCTION" as_general: STRING is "GENERAL" as_integer_general: STRING is "INTEGER_GENERAL" as_integer_8: STRING is "INTEGER_8" as_integer_16: STRING is "INTEGER_16" as_integer_32: STRING is "INTEGER_32" as_integer: STRING is "INTEGER" as_integer_64: STRING is "INTEGER_64" as_integer_ref: STRING is "INTEGER_REF" as_memory: STRING is "MEMORY" as_native_array: STRING is "NATIVE_ARRAY" as_none: STRING is "NONE" as_platform: STRING is "PLATFORM" as_pointer: STRING is "POINTER" as_pointer_ref: STRING is "POINTER_REF" as_predicate: STRING is "PREDICATE" as_procedure: STRING is "PROCEDURE" as_real_general: STRING is "REAL_GENERAL" as_real_32: STRING is "REAL_32" as_real: STRING is "REAL" as_real_64: STRING is "REAL_64" as_real_ref: STRING is "REAL_REF" as_routine: STRING is "ROUTINE" as_string: STRING is "STRING" as_text_file_read: STRING is "TEXT_FILE_READ" as_text_file_write: STRING is "TEXT_FILE_WRITE" as_tuple: STRING is "TUPLE" as_type: STRING is "TYPE" -- Operator/Infix/Prefix list: as_amp: STRING is "&" as_and: STRING is "and" as_and_then: STRING is "and then" as_at: STRING is "@" as_backslash_backslash: STRING is "\\" as_bit_and: STRING is "bit_and" as_bit_clear: STRING is "bit_clear" as_bit_item: STRING is "bit_item" as_bit_not: STRING is "bit_not" as_bit_or: STRING is "bit_or" as_bit_put: STRING is "bit_put" as_bit_rotate: STRING is "bit_rotate" as_bit_rotate_left: STRING is "bit_rotate_left" as_bit_rotate_right: STRING is "bit_rotate_right" as_bit_set: STRING is "bit_set" as_bit_shift: STRING is "bit_shift" as_bit_shift_left: STRING is "bit_shift_left" as_bit_shift_right: STRING is "bit_shift_right" as_bit_shift_right_unsigned: STRING is "bit_shift_right_unsigned" as_bit_shift_unsigned: STRING is "bit_shift_unsigned" as_bit_xor: STRING is "bit_xor" as_eq: STRING is "=" as_ge: STRING is ">=" as_gt: STRING is ">" as_implies: STRING is "implies" as_le: STRING is "<=" as_lt: STRING is "<" as_minus: STRING is "-" as_muls: STRING is "*" as_neq: STRING is "/=" as_not: STRING is "not" as_or: STRING is "or" as_or_else: STRING is "or else" as_plus: STRING is "+" as_pow: STRING is "^" as_rotate: STRING is "#" as_rotate_left: STRING is "#<<" as_rotate_right: STRING is "#>>" as_shift_left1: STRING is "@<<" as_shift_left2: STRING is "|<<" as_shift_right1: STRING is "@>>" as_shift_right2: STRING is "|>>" as_shift_right_unsigned: STRING is "@>>>" as_slash: STRING is "/" as_slash_slash: STRING is "//" as_vbar: STRING is "|" as_vbar_hat: STRING is "|^" as_vbar_tilde: STRING is "|~" as_xor: STRING is "xor" -- Hard coded feature names: as_a1: STRING is "a1" as_add_last: STRING is "add_last" as_agent: STRING is "agent" as_atan2: STRING is "atan2" as_blank: STRING is "blank" as_boolean_bits: STRING is "Boolean_bits" as_call: STRING is "call" as_calloc: STRING is "calloc" as_capacity: STRING is "capacity" as_character_bits: STRING is "Character_bits" as_clear_all: STRING is "clear_all" as_count: STRING is "count" as_code: STRING is "code" as_collecting: STRING is "collecting" as_collection_off: STRING is "collection_off" as_collection_on: STRING is "collection_on" as_collector_counter: STRING is "collector_counter" as_conforms_to: STRING is "conforms_to" as_copy: STRING is "copy" as_c_inline_c: STRING is "c_inline_c" as_c_inline_h: STRING is "c_inline_h" as_default_create: STRING is "default_create" as_default_rescue: STRING is "default_rescue" as_deep_memcmp: STRING is "deep_memcmp" as_deep_twin: STRING is "deep_twin" as_deep_twin_from: STRING is "deep_twin_from" as_dispose: STRING is "dispose" as_double_bits: STRING is "Double_bits" as_double_floor: STRING is "double_floor" as_die_with_code: STRING is "die_with_code" as_element_sizeof: STRING is "element_sizeof" as_exception: STRING is "exception" as_fifth: STRING is "fifth" as_first: STRING is "first" as_floor: STRING is "floor" as_flush: STRING is "flush" as_fourth: STRING is "fourth" as_from_pointer: STRING is "from_pointer" as_full_collect: STRING is "full_collect" as_generating_type: STRING is "generating_type" as_generator: STRING is "generator" as_io: STRING is "io" as_integer_bits: STRING is "Integer_bits" as_is_basic_expanded_type: STRING is "is_basic_expanded_type" as_is_deep_equal: STRING is "is_deep_equal" as_is_expanded_type: STRING is "is_expanded_type" as_is_equal: STRING is "is_equal" as_is_not_null: STRING is "is_not_null" as_item: STRING is "item" as_last: STRING is "last" as_lower: STRING is "lower" as_make: STRING is "make" as_minimum_character_code: STRING is "Minimum_character_code" as_minimum_double: STRING is "Minimum_double" as_minimum_real: STRING is "Minimum_real" as_maximum_character_code: STRING is "Maximum_character_code" as_maximum_double: STRING is "Maximum_double" as_maximum_real: STRING is "Maximum_real" as_object_size: STRING is "object_size" as_pointer_bits: STRING is "Pointer_bits" as_pointer_size: STRING is "pointer_size" as_pow_postfix: STRING is "pow" as_print: STRING is "print" as_print_on: STRING is "print_on" as_print_run_time_stack: STRING is "print_run_time_stack" as_print_all_run_time_stacks: STRING is "print_all_run_time_stacks" as_put: STRING is "put" as_put_0: STRING is "put_0" as_put_1: STRING is "put_1" as_raise_exception: STRING is "raise_exception" as_real_bits: STRING is "Real_bits" as_realloc: STRING is "realloc" as_second: STRING is "second" as_se_argc: STRING is "se_argc" as_se_argv: STRING is "se_argv" as_sedb_breakpoint: STRING is "sedb_breakpoint" as_signal_number: STRING is "signal_number" as_standard_copy: STRING is "standard_copy" as_standard_is_equal: STRING is "standard_is_equal" as_standard_twin: STRING is "standard_twin" as_std_error: STRING is "std_error" as_std_input: STRING is "std_input" as_std_output: STRING is "std_output" as_storage: STRING is "storage" as_third: STRING is "third" as_to_bit: STRING is "to_bit" as_to_character: STRING is "to_character" as_to_double: STRING is "to_double" as_to_integer_8: STRING is "to_integer_8" as_to_integer_16: STRING is "to_integer_16" as_to_integer: STRING is "to_integer" as_to_integer_32: STRING is "to_integer_32" as_to_pointer: STRING is "to_pointer" as_to_real: STRING is "to_real" as_trace_switch: STRING is "trace_switch" as_truncated_to_integer: STRING is "truncated_to_integer" as_twin: STRING is "twin" as_upper: STRING is "upper" as_with_capacity: STRING is "with_capacity" -- Other names: as_arguments: STRING is "arguments" as_current: STRING is "Current" as_native_array_character: STRING is "NATIVE_ARRAY[CHARACTER]" as_last_result: STRING is "last_result" as_like_current: STRING is "like Current" as_method: STRING is "method" as_open_arguments: STRING is "open_arguments" as_open_argument_indices: STRING is "open_argument_indices" as_open_argument_index: STRING is "open_argument_index" as_open_argument_count: STRING is "open_argument_count" as_precursor: STRING is "Precursor" as_result: STRING is "Result" as_target: STRING is "target" as_void: STRING is "Void" end -- ALIASED_STRING_LIST