Statistical information in syslog * Statistics par transaction (v+w+x+y/z) v: number of recipients with success w: deferred recipients x: number of failure on DNS lookup (host unknown) y: number of failure on SMTP (user unknown) z: number of total recipients relay= destination MX host (IP address if known) to= recipients to be sent to the MX host proto= ESMTP features supported by the MX host delay= time taken for delivery to the MX host code= final response code from the MX host (accept message) * Summary statistics ENVID Envelope identifier passed as ENVID= parameter in ESMTP. (This may not be same as queue-id by sendmail.) nquery= number of DNS answers / number os DNS queries nconnect= connections with success (processed successfully to QUIT command) / number of connect() to be tried ntimeout= number of connections which required timeout operation. ntrans= transactions with success / prepared transactions counted up multiple times even if same connection is used. nsent= recipients with success / number of all recipients ndeferred= recipients with temporary failure nerror= addressing error on DNS lookup (e.g. host unknown) + addressing error on SMTP (e.g. user unknown) dnsmaxcq= max number of concurrent DNS query maxsock= max socket number to be used. tmx= time taken for MX lookup tdelivery= time taken for 90% delivery with SMTP / time taken for complete delivery with SMTP (after completion of MX lookup) maxdelay= time for longest SMTP transact tdelay= total time by smtpfeed processing tsendmail= time from start of sendmail till start of smtpfeed dns_i/o= total number of transfered bytes between DNS server smtp_i/o= total number of transfered bytes on input/output channel of SMTP mem= total size of memory allocated by malloc()