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DefineMenu - define the text to appear in a menu and (optionally) the aliases


DefineMenu menu_name menulist [aliaslist]


Define a menu data type called menu_name. To follow the usual convention for data types, this name should begin with an underscore and be all lower case. To avoid possible name clashes, avoid generic names and use the taskname as part of the menu_name. Menulist and aliaslist must be lists of text which are best defined using the Tcl list command. The menulist is a list of options which will be seen on the menu. The aliaslist is optional but if it exists, it must have the same number of items as menulist. If the user selects the nth item from the menulist for a parameter, then when the run file is created, the parameter is set to the nth item from aliaslist.


The aliaslist is usually a list of the keywords accepted by the program. The menulist is a more user-readable listing of the options.