Log of changes for omi (newest entries first). @(#)$Id: CHANGES,v 1.8 1998/12/19 04:14:30 olli Exp $ alpha-9 - Splitted the omi.h file. - There's now a short online help (type "omi -h"). - Transfer progress display. - Support for active FTP transfer added. - Documentation is now in HMTL format (and plain text which is generated from the HTML file). - New mirror option "test" (no actual file transfers). - Added debug options to aid in debugging regular expressions. - Added workaround for FTP servers with broken PASV. - Fixed bug: Wrong keywords in a config file caused segmentation faults. - Fixed nasty bug that could cause omi to hang forever if the connection timed out. - Fixed stubborn formatting bug in the statistics display. - Fixed bug in keyword name matching. - Fixed several compiler warnings. alpha-8: - Rewrote large parts of the exclude/include stuff, it's now much more flexible, at the cost of slightly increased CPU consumption. - Finally got around to document the exclude/include stuff in the README file. - The port number of the FTP control connection (default: 21) is now configurable. You can specify the port number directly behind the server name, separated by a colon (":") or space. - Added mirror option "LocalTime" to treat remote time stamps as if they were in the local time zone. Note that this was the default behaviour of previous versions. - Remote time stamps are now treated as GMT by default. WARNING: If you used alpha-7 before, the time stamps of all files in your mirrors will mismatch! (Unless your local time zone happens to be the same as GMT, of course.) Use the -t option (or the "deviation" config entry) once when you migrate your mirrors from alpha-7 (or any previous version) to alpha-8 (or any later version). - Timeout values are now configurable. Use the -T option or the "Timeout" config entry. See the README file for more information. - Some braindead ftpd servers don't implement the "STAT" command correctly, according to RFC 959. The software now tries to work around this problem. - Large parts of the retry logic have been rewritten. - Retry parameters are now configurable. Use the -R option or the "Retry" config entry to change the number of retries, and use the -D option or the "Delay" config entry to change the delay between "hard retries". See the README file for more information. - Fixed bug: Under certain circumstances, omi ignored the retry counter and re-opened the connection endlessly. - Fixed bug: Under certain circumstances, omi lost track of the server's replies to FTP commands, which could lead to a desynced communication or segmentation violations. - Fixed bug: Under certain circumstances, omi did not change the permission modes of directories correctly, especially if the mirror was aborted and then started again. - Fixed a few minor bugs. alpha-7: - Changed the utterly stupid pattern match format for exclude lists. It's now just the dir/name of the file, plain and simple. - Added option -y ("LocalExclude") to exclude local files from deletion that don't exist on the remote server. This accepts the same regular expressions as -x. - Made "RemoteExclude" an alias for "Exclude". - The program touched (i.e. updated the mtime of) every directory every time, even if that wasn't necessary at all. Fixed. - New mirror option "DontTouch", causes the program to never ever touch the mtime of any file. Only makes sense if used in conjunction with "IgnoreTime", or for one-time mirrors. - If the parent directory (or directories) of the local target directory doesn't exist, it is created. In other words, the complete local target path is created if necessary. Previously, if you mirrored to /pub/mirror/foo/bar, the directory /pub/mirror/foo had to exist already. alpha-6: - Started the CHANGES file. - Fixed bug: omi shouldn't exit completely if a lockfile failed for only part of the mirror job. - Added "ignoretime" mirror option (see README). - Added exclude lists with regular expressions (see README). --