

GnomeCanvasText -- 


#include <libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvas.h>

struct      GnomeCanvasText;
struct      GnomeCanvasTextPrivate;



struct GnomeCanvasText

struct GnomeCanvasText {

	GnomeCanvasItem item;

	PangoFontDescription *font_desc; /* Font description for text */
	PangoAttrList *attr_list;        /* Attribute list of the text (caching) */
	PangoUnderline underline;
	gboolean       strikethrough;
	int            rise;
	double         scale;
	char *text;			/* Text to display */
	GdkBitmap *stipple;		/* Stipple for text */
	GdkGC *gc;			/* GC for drawing text */
        PangoLayout *layout;            /* The PangoLayout containing the text */

	gulong pixel;			/* Fill color */

	double x, y;			/* Position at anchor */

	double clip_width;		/* Width of optional clip rectangle */
	double clip_height;		/* Height of optional clip rectangle */

	double xofs, yofs;		/* Text offset distance from anchor position */

	double affine[6];               /* The item -> canvas affine */ /*AA*/

	GtkAnchorType anchor;		/* Anchor side for text */
	GtkJustification justification;	/* Justification for text */

	int cx, cy;			/* Top-left canvas coordinates for text */
	int clip_cx, clip_cy;		/* Top-left canvas coordinates for clip rectangle */
	int clip_cwidth, clip_cheight;	/* Size of clip rectangle in pixels */
	int max_width;			/* Maximum width of text lines */
	int height;			/* Rendered text height in pixels */

        guint32 rgba;			/* RGBA color for text */ /*AA*/

	guint clip : 1;			/* Use clip rectangle? */

	guint underline_set : 1;        /* Apply specified underline style? */
	guint strike_set    : 1;        /* Apply specified strikethrough style? */
	guint rise_set      : 1;        /* Apply specified ascension/descension? */

	guint scale_set     : 1;        /* Apply specified font scaling ratio? */

	GnomeCanvasTextPrivate *priv;	

struct GnomeCanvasTextPrivate

struct GnomeCanvasTextPrivate;