
Installation depends on which format you choose to download. If you've got a package such as RPM or DEB, check your package manager documentation for how to install new packages.

If you downloaded the source code (in a tarball), you must compile the software. For doing so, once you have unpacked the source tree, you must:

          $make install

This will generate the makefiles for your specific platform, compile all the source tree, and install the binaries and documentation in your system.

If you don't find a file named configure, there should be one called In this case, run, which will create and run the generated configure file.

You can specify several arguments to configure (or The most significant are (you can check all the available arguments by running configure --help):

Providers are not installed by default, so you must specifically add those arguments when running configure.

If you find any problem during the configuration, compilation or installation process, do not hesitate in contacting the GNOME-DB mailing list (, first send an email to with the subject SUBSCRIBE, if you are not already subscribed).

Debian installation

If you are using Debian you will need to install a few packages in the following way:

            $  apt-get install package-names

These are the packages you will need for this:

You can obtain information about any packages with:

            $  apt-cache show package-names

If you cannot find this packages, you must include in /etc/apt/sources.list a line like this:

            deb woody gnome2