section f of routines in fits.i

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functions in fits.i - f


             fitsAddComment, header, string  
	Add STRING as a comment in HEADER (a FitsHeader structure). If  
	STRING is too long, it is broken in pieces.  

interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 90  
SEE ALSO: fitsRead,   fitsWrite  

             fitsAddHistory, header, string  
	Add STRING as an history card in HEADER (a FitsHeader structure).  
	If STRING is too long, it is broken in pieces.  
	Keyword STAMP may be used with a zero value to avoid the  
	additional time stamp (default is to add a time stamp).  

interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 106  
SEE ALSO: fitsRead,   fitsWrite  

             fitsFixHeader, header  
	check consistency of FITS header.  

interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 74  
SEE ALSO: fitsRead,   fitsWrite  

             header= fitsHeader();  
             fitsHeader, header;  
     creates a structure FitsHeader with defaults.  Equivalent to:  
         header= FitsHeader(bscale= 1., bzero= 0.);  

interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 62  
SEE ALSO: fitsRead,   fitsWrite  

             a= fitsRead(filename, header)  
	returns the data of the FITS file FILENAME.  If present, the  
	optional argument HEADER will be used to store the contents of  
	the FITS header file (a FitsHeader structure).  
	Keyword WHICH may be used to indicate which sub-array should be  
	returned.  For instance, if the array DATA with dimensions  
	(235,453,7) is stored in the FITS file "data.fits", the sub-array  
	DATA(,,4) can be read by:  
		SUB_DATA= fitsRead("data.fits", which= 4);  
	Keyword PACK, if non-nil and non-zero, indicates that axis whith  
	unit dimension should be ignored.  The default is to ignore only  
	zero length axis.  
	Keyword RESCALE, if non-nil and zero, indicates that read data  
	values should not be rescaled according to FITS keywords  
	BSCALE and BZERO.  The default is to rescale data values if  
	BSCALE is not 1. or BZERO is not 0.  

interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 411  
SEE ALSO: fitsWrite,   fitsRescale  

             rescaled_data= fitsRescale(data, bitpix, bscale, bzero)  
	Linearly rescale the values of input array DATA to fit into  
	integers with BITPIX bits per value (i.e., `char', `short' or  
	`long' for BITPIX being 8, 16 and 32 respectively).  
	Arguments BSCALE and BZERO are optional and purely outputs passed  
	by address.  Their value will be set so that:  
	where the equality may not be exact due to rounding errors.  The  
	difference is however the smallest possible, i.e., less than  
	BSCALE / 2.  
	Keywords DATA_MIN and DATA_MAX may be used to supply the maximum  
	and minimum data values or to set brightness cutoffs.  

interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 137  
SEE ALSO: fitsRead,   fitsWrite  

             fitsWrite, filename, data, header  
	Write DATA in file FILENAME using FITS format.  If present, the  
	information of the optional argument HEADER  (a FitsHeader structure)  
	will be used to write the FITS file header.  
	Keyword PACK, if non-nil and non-zero, indicates that axis whith  
	unit dimension should be ignored.  The default is to ignore only  
	zero length axis.  
	Keyword RESCALE, if non-nil and zero, indicates that input data  
	values should not be rescaled into integers according to FITS  
	standard.  The default, is to recode doubles as 32 bit integers,  
	floats as 16 bit integers and integers into smallest integers  
	possible without loss of dynamic range (e.g., an array of long  
	integers ranging from -31 to +130 will be recoded as chars).  

interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 197  
SEE ALSO: fitsRead,   fitsRescale,   fitsAddHistory,  

             fits_max_naxis -- maximum number of allowed axis in FITS  
	Its value should *NOT* be modified during a Yorick session.  

keyword,  defined at i/fits.i   line 19