
AbiWord Image rulers.png

The rulers appear along the top and side of your document. By clicking within them, you can add tabs, and change margins and indents.

AbiWord Image rulerstab.png AbiWord Image rulerslefttab.png AbiWord Image rulerscentertab.png AbiWord Image rulersrighttab.png AbiWord Image rulersdecimaltab.png AbiWord Image rulerslinetab.png

Click here to change the kind of tab inserted. The symbols refer, in order, to left tabs, centered tabs, right tabs, decimal tabs, and line tabs. Decimal tabs are set so that the decimal point in a number is aligned underneath them. They are most useful for accounts. Line tabs draw a vertical line on the page, and otherwise function as left tabs. They are most use when drawing up tables.

AbiWord Image rulersmargins.png

These handles allow you to change the page margins. To do so, click on them and drag.

AbiWord Image rulersindent.png

These handles allow you to change the text indent from the margins. To move them, click on them and drag.

AbiWord Image rulersfirstindent.png

This handle allows you to change the indent for the first line of a paragraph.

AbiWord Image rulersleftindent.png

This handle allows you to change both the normal left indent and the first line left indent at the same time.

Clicking within the top ruler creates a tab stop of the currently selected type. The relevant symbol is inserted into the ruler at that point to remind you.

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