################################################################ # theme ruribaka ################################################################ # User variable # parameter %value is expanded to value of the user variable. # you can use other value of user variable by noting as "%user{BASHO}". package HNS::Hnf::UserVar; $Templates{'TENKI'} = "[天気:%value]"; $Templates{'BASHO'} = "(%value)"; $Templates{'TAION'} = " 体温:%value度"; $Templates{'TAIJU'} = " 体重:%value" . "Kg"; $Templates{'SUIMIN'} = " 睡眠:%value時間"; $Templates{'BGM'} = " BGM:%value"; ################################################################ # Mark package HNS::Hnf::Command::MARK; # image size is automatically set $List{"(^^)"} = "icons/nomal_13.png"; $List{"(^^;"} = "icons/ase_13.png"; $List{"(;_;)"} = "icons/naku_13.png"; $List{"v(^^)"} = "icons/v_13.png"; $List{"!!"} = "icons/neko_13.png"; $List{"??"} = "icons/hatena_13.png"; $List{"(笑)"} = "icons/warau_13.png"; ################################################################ # CategoryList package HNS::CategoryList; $CatDir = "cat"; $TitleLabel = "タイトル一覧"; $SubmitLabel = "表示!"; $Template = qq(%value
\n); $Categorize = "カテゴリ分類"; ################################################################ # Extend HTML package HNS::ExtHTML; $DOCTYPE = qq(\n); #$Head = undef; ##$Head = qq(time is); ## print join(':', reverse ((localtime)[0..2])); ## print qq(); ##} ################################################################ package HNS::Collection; # %num : number of showing diarys $FootMessages{'HasContent'} = "以上、%num 日分です。\n"; $FootMessages{'NoContent'} = "該当するものはありません。\n"; ################################################################ # PIM # Schedule package HNS::PIM::Schedule; @WeekString = ('', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', ''); @ABCString = ('上', '中', '下'); $Unfixed = '??'; $Range = 1; $ContentTemplate = qq(
  • %month/%day%week %content
  • \n); $BeginTemplate = ""; # TODO package HNS::PIM::Todo; $ContentTemplate = "
  • %priority %content
  • \n"; $BeginTemplate = ""; ################################################################ # Calendar package HNS::Calendar::Table; @WeekString = ('', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', ''); $TableBorder = 0; $NextTemplate = qq(来月); $PrevTemplate = qq(先月); $ThisTemplate = qq(%year年%month月); $DayCurrentTemplate = qq(%day); $DayNonCurrentTemplate = qq(%day); package HNS::Calendar::NoTable; $NextTemplate = qq(>>); $PrevTemplate = qq(<<); $ThisTemplate = qq(%year/%month); $DayCurrentTemplate = qq(%day); $DayNonCurrentTemplate = qq(%day); ################################################################ # DateSelect package HNS::DateSelect; $YearTemplate = "%year年"; $MonthTemplate = "%month月"; $DayTemplate = "%start_day〜%end_day日"; $AllLabel = "全て"; ################################################################ # Direct Ctalendar package HNS::Calendar::Direct; $SubmitLabel = "Go!"; ################################################################ # Style package HNS::Style; $Templates{Table}->{pim} = qq(
    %schedule %todo
    ); $Templates{Table}->{head_style} = qq( %pim
    %calendar %unagi

    ); $Templates{Table}->{foot_style} = "\n
    \n%category_list"; # template for no table browser $Templates{NoTable} = { pim => qq(
    \n%schedule %todo), head_style => qq(%pim\n
    \n%calendar %direct_calendar\n
    \n), foot_style=> "
    \n%category_list" }; # unagi template $UnagiTemplate = qq( Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索
    詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい
    ); $NoUnagiTemplate = qq( HNS logo ); ################################################################ # Warning package HNS::Hnf::Warning; $Head = "
    \[- 日記システム警告:"; $Foot = "-\]
    \n"; # parameters: # %c : the command name # %p : command name of inserted position # $Messages{'IllegalHeader'} = "ヘッダ部が不正です"; $Messages{'UndefinedUserVar'} = "定義されていないユーザ変数が使われています"; $Messages{'Reserved'} = "コマンド %c は予約されています。"; $Messages{'NoMatch'} = "コマンド %p の中にコマンド %c を含めることはできません。コマンド /%c が抜けている可能性があります。"; $Messages{'NotDefined'} = "コマンド %c の引数として %t は定義されていません。"; ################################################################ # Version Message # paramter: # %homepage # %public_version # %current_version package HNS; $VersionMessages{'Public'} = q(
    hns - 日記自動生成システム - Version %public
    ); $VersionMessages{'NonPublic'} = qq(
    注意: 今現在使用されているこの日記自動生成システムは Version %current です。
    公開されている日記自動生成システムは Version %public です。
    ); ################################################################ # Template # usable parameter (%[A-Za-z0-9_]) is: # date: # %year, %month, %day : year, month, day # %high : int(day/10) # %abc : day 1-10 -> a, 11-20 -> b, 21-31 -> c # counter: # %new, %sub, %fn : counter of NEW, SUB, FN # %mark : for GRP mark, if not in GRP the same as %new package HNS::Diary; ################ # diary limited parameter: # %week : week string # # user-variable # %user{VARNAME} : string as which user-var-format is expanded using # value of user-variable VARNAME. @WeekString = ('', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', ''); $Head = qq( %year年%month月%day日(%week) %user{TENKI}%user{BASHO}%user{TAIJU}%user{TAION}%user{SUIMIN}%user{BGM}
    ); $Foot = qq(

    \n); package HNS::Hnf::Command::NEW; $Template = qq(
    #%mark %cat %content
    ); $EndTemplate = ""; package HNS::Hnf::Command::LNEW; $Template = qq(
    #%mark %cat %content
    ); $EndTemplate = ""; package HNS::Hnf::Command::RLNEW; $Template = qq(
    #%mark %cat %content
    ); $EndTemplate = ""; package HNS::Hnf::Command::SUB; $Template = qq(
    %content: ); package HNS::Hnf::Command::LSUB; $Template = qq(
    %content: ); $NumAttr = 1; package HNS::Hnf::Command::RLSUB; $Template = qq(
    %content: ); $NumAttr = 2; ################################################################ # Inline Elements # these element has no content commands, # so $EndTemplate, $AllowCommands has no means. package HNS::Hnf::Command::LINK; $Template = qq(%content ); $NumAttr = 1; package HNS::Hnf::Command::RLINK; $Template = qq(%content ); $NumAttr = 2; # overriden AsHTML package HNS::Hnf::Command::URL; $Template = qq(
    *%content (%1)
    ); $NumAttr = 1; package HNS::Hnf::Command::STRIKE; #$Template = q(%content); package HNS::Hnf::Command::LSTRIKE; $Template = q(%content); $NumAttr = 1; package HNS::Hnf::Command::STRONG; $Template = q(%content); package HNS::Hnf::Command::FONT; $Template = q(%content); $NumAttr = 2; package HNS::Hnf::Command::IMG; $Template = q(%content); $NumAttr = 2; # overriden AsHTML package HNS::Hnf::Command::MARK; $Template = qq(%1\n); $NumAttr = 1; # overriden AsHTML package HNS::Hnf::Command::ALIAS; $Template = "%term"; # overriden AsHTML ################################################################ # Block Commands package HNS::Hnf::Command::PRE; $Template = "
    $EndTemplate = "
    \n"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::CITE; $Template = "
    "; $EndTemplate = "
    \n"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::UL; $Template = "\n"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::OL; $Template = "
      "; $EndTemplate = "
    \n"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::LI; $Template = q(
  • %content ); $EndTemplate = "
  • \n"; package HNS::Hnf::Command::HR; $Template = q(
    \n); package HNS::Hnf::Command::FN; $Template = qq( *%fn ); $HeaderTemplate = qq(
    \n); $FooterTemplate = qq(); $ContentTemplate = qq(
    *%fn: %content ); ################################################################ 1;