
Index of modules

Base64 [Cryptokit]
The Base64 module supports the encoding and decoding of binary data in base 64 format, using only alphanumeric characters that can safely be transmitted over e-mail or in URLs.
Block [Cryptokit]
The Block module provides classes that implements popular block ciphers, chaining modes, and wrapping of a block cipher as a general transform or as a hash function.

Cipher [Cryptokit]
The Cipher module implements the AES, DES, Triple-DES and ARCfour symmetric ciphers.
Cryptokit []
The Cryptokit library provides a variety of cryptographic primitives that can be used to implement cryptographic protocols in security-sensitive applications.

DH [Cryptokit]
The DH module implements Diffie-Hellman key agreement.

Hash [Cryptokit]
The Hash module implements unkeyed cryptographic hashes SHA-1 and MD5, also known as message digest functions.
Hexa [Cryptokit]
The Hexa module supports the encoding and decoding of binary data as hexadecimal strings.

MAC [Cryptokit]
The MAC module implements message authentication codes, also known as keyed hash functions.

Padding [Cryptokit]
The Padding module defines a generic interface for padding input data to an integral number of blocks, as well as two popular padding schemes.

RSA [Cryptokit]
The RSA module implements RSA public-key cryptography.
Random [Cryptokit]
The Random module provides random and pseudo-random number generators suitable for generating cryptographic keys, nonces, or challenges.

Stream [Cryptokit]
The Stream module provides classes that implement the ARCfour stream cipher, and the wrapping of a stream cipher as a general transform.

Zlib [Cryptokit]
The Zlib module supports the compression and decompression of data, using the zlib library.