2001-10-02 Edwin Goei * Created version 1.1.3 of Crimson. Bugs fixed since 1.1.2beta2: 4502881 JAXP RI fails DOM Conformance tests 4502961 PI may be mistaken for an XMLDecl or TextDecl 4503261 parser fails to parse XMLSchema for schemas 4501319 XSLT extensions not working 4490354 Parser hangs and consumes >90% CPU, CDATA Section 4508904 SAX DeclHandler incorrectly reports attr declarations in some cases 4509336 SAX parser does not recognize string-interning SAX feature 4509429 parser does not write CDATA section correctly 2001-09-06 Edwin Goei * Created new version 1.1.2beta2 of Crimson. This version fixes bugs in previous releases such as version 1.1.1 and 1.1. It was named 1.1.2beta2 because it is the same code that went into J2SE 1.4 beta2 (also called beta refresh). Despite the "beta2" name, this version is just as stable as the previous version 1.1.1 and should be preferred over version 1.1.1 because it has additional bug fixes. * This version obtains java src files including DOM Level 2 core and SAX2 from the new xml-commons module which should be checked out as a sibling of this tree to create a valid distribution. * This version packages all classes, both implementation and JAXP XML API classes into a single crimson.jar file. 2001-01-30 Edwin Goei * Updated website, created zip file for download, misc clean up. 2000-11-22 Edwin Goei * Populated the repository with the latest crimson sources. The build system still needs to be updated and fixed up though.