
Source: include/qextmdichildfrm.h

Annotated List
//    filename             : qextmdichildfrm.h
//    Project              : Qt MDI extension
//    begin                : 07/1999       by Szymon Stefanek as part of kvirc
//                                         (an IRC application)
//    changes              : 09/1999       by Falk Brettschneider to create an
//                           - 06/2000     stand-alone Qt extension set of
//                                         classes and a Qt-based library
//    patches              : */2000        Lars Beikirch (
//    copyright            : (C) 1999-2000 by Falk Brettschneider
//                                         and
//                                         Szymon Stefanek (
//    email                : (Falk Brettschneider)
//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
//    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
//    License, or (at your option) any later version.


#include "qextmdichildfrmcaption.h"

class QextMdiChildArea;
class QextMdiChildView;

  * @short Internal class, only used on Win32.
  * This class provides a label widget that can process mouse click events.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiWin32IconButton : public QLabel
   QextMdiWin32IconButton( QWidget* parent, const char* name = 0);
   virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent*);

   void pressed();

/* some special events, see qetxtmdidefines.h
 * @short a QCustomEvent for move
 * This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiChildFrmMoveEvent : public QCustomEvent
   * Constructs a new customer event of type QEvent::User + QextMdi::EV_DragMove
   QextMdiChildFrmMoveEvent( QMoveEvent *e) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + int(QextMdi::EV_Move)), e) {};

 * @short a QCustomEvent for begin of dragging
 * This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiChildFrmDragBeginEvent : public QCustomEvent
   * Constructs a new customer event of type QEvent::User + QextMdi::EV_DragBegin
   QextMdiChildFrmDragBeginEvent( QMouseEvent *e) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + int(QextMdi::EV_DragBegin)), e) {};

 * @short a QCustomEvent for end of dragging
 * This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiChildFrmDragEndEvent : public QCustomEvent
   * Constructs a new customer event of type QEvent::User + QextMdi::EV_DragEnd
   QextMdiChildFrmDragEndEvent( QMouseEvent *e) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + int(QextMdi::EV_DragEnd)), e) {};

 * @short a QCustomEvent for begin of resizing
 * This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiChildFrmResizeBeginEvent : public QCustomEvent
   * Constructs a new customer event of type QEvent::User + QextMdi::EV_ResizeBegin
   QextMdiChildFrmResizeBeginEvent( QMouseEvent *e) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + int(QextMdi::EV_ResizeBegin)), e) {};

 * @short a QCustomEvent for end of resizing
 * This special event will be useful, to inform view about child frame event.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiChildFrmResizeEndEvent : public QCustomEvent
   * Constructs a new customer event of type QEvent::User + QextMdi::EV_ResizeEnd
   QextMdiChildFrmResizeEndEvent( QMouseEvent *e) : QCustomEvent( QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + int(QextMdi::EV_ResizeEnd)), e) {};

  * @short Internal class.
  * It's an MDI child frame widget. It contains a view widget and a frame caption. Usually you derive from its view.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiChildFrm : public QFrame
   friend class QextMdiChildArea;
   friend class QextMdiChildFrmCaption;

// attributes  
   enum MdiWindowState { Normal,Maximized,Minimized };
                           //positions same in h and cpp for fast order check
   QextMdiChildView*       m_pClient;

   QextMdiChildArea*       m_pManager;
   QextMdiChildFrmCaption* m_pCaption;
   QextMdiWin32IconButton* m_pWinIcon;
   QToolButton*            m_pUnixIcon;
   QToolButton*            m_pMinimize;
   QToolButton*            m_pMaximize;
   QToolButton*            m_pClose;
   QToolButton*            m_pUndock;
   MdiWindowState          m_state;
   QRect                   m_restoredRect;
   int                     m_iResizeCorner;
   int                     m_iLastCursorCorner;
   bool                    m_bResizing;
   bool                    m_bDragging;
   QPixmap*                m_pIconButtonPixmap;
   QPixmap*                m_pMinButtonPixmap;
   QPixmap*                m_pMaxButtonPixmap;
   QPixmap*                m_pRestoreButtonPixmap;
   QPixmap*                m_pCloseButtonPixmap;
   QPixmap*                m_pUndockButtonPixmap;
   * Every child frame window has an temporary ID in the Window menu of the child area. 
   int                     m_windowMenuID;
   * Imitates a system menu for child frame windows 
   QPopupMenu*             m_pSystemMenu;
   QSize                   m_oldClientMinSize;
   QSize                   m_oldClientMaxSize;
   QLayout::ResizeMode     m_oldLayoutResizeMode;
   QTime                   m_timeMeasure;

// methods
   * Creates a new QextMdiChildFrm class.
*/ QextMdiChildFrm(QextMdiChildArea *parent); /** * Delicato : destroys this QextMdiChildFrm * If a child is still here managed (no recreation was made) it is destroyed too. */ ~QextMdiChildFrm(); /** * Reparents the widget w to this QextMdiChildFrm (if this is not already done) * Installs an event filter to catch focus events. * Resizes this mdi child in a way that the child fits perfectly in. */ void setClient(QextMdiChildView *w); /** * Reparents the client widget to 0 (desktop), moves with an offset from the original position * Removes the event filter. */ void unsetClient( QPoint positionOffset = QPoint(0,0)); /** * Sets the window icon pointer. */ void setIcon(const QPixmap &pxm); /** * Returns the child frame icon. */ QPixmap* icon(); /** * Enables or disables the close button */ void enableClose(bool bEnable); /** * Sets the caption of this window */ void setCaption(const QString& text); /** * Returns the caption of this mdi child. * Cool to have it inline... */ const QString& caption(){ return m_pCaption->m_szCaption; }; /** * Minimizes , Maximizes or restores the window. */ void setState(MdiWindowState state,bool bAnimate=TRUE); /** * Returns the current state of the window * Cool to have it inline... */ inline MdiWindowState state(){ return m_state; }; /** * Returns the inner client area of the parent of this (which is QextMdiChildArea). */ QRect mdiAreaContentsRect() const; /** * Returns the geometry that will be restored by calling restore(). */ QRect restoreGeometry() const; /** * Sets the geometry that will be restored by calling restore(). */ void setRestoreGeometry(const QRect& newRestGeo); /** * Forces updating the rects of the caption and so... * It may be useful when setting the mdiCaptionFont of the MdiManager */ void updateRects(){ resizeEvent(0); }; /** * Returns the system menu. */ QPopupMenu* systemMenu(); /** * Returns the caption bar height */ inline int captionHeight() { return m_pCaption->height(); }; /** * sets new raise behaviour and pixmaps of the buttons depending on the current decoration style */ void redecorateButtons(); /** * returns the mouse state "In Drag" */ bool isInDrag() const { return m_bDragging; } /** * returns the mouse state "In Resize" */ bool isInResize() const { return m_bResizing; } /** Internally called from the signal focusInEventOccurs. * It raises the MDI childframe to the top of all other MDI child frames and sets the focus on it. */ void raiseAndActivate(); /** * Sets the minimum size of the widget to w by h pixels. * It extends it's base clase method in a way that the minimum size of * the child area will be set additionally if the view is maximized. */ virtual void setMinimumSize ( int minw, int minh ); public slots: /** * */ void slot_resizeViaSystemMenu(); protected: /** Reimplemented from its base class. * Resizes the captionbar, relayouts the position of the system buttons, * and calls resize for its embedded client @ref QextMdiChildView with the proper size */ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *); /** Reimplemented from its base class. * Detects if the mouse is on the edge of window and what resize cursor must be set. * Calls QextMdiChildFrm::resizeWindow if it is in m_bResizing. */ virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e); /** Reimplemented from its base class. * Colours the caption, raises the childfrm widget and * turns to resize mode if it is on the edge (resize-sensitive area) */ virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); /** Reimplemented from its base class. * Sets a normal cursor and leaves the resize mode. */ virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *); /** Reimplemented from its base class. * give its child view the chance to notify a childframe move... that's why it sends * a @ref QextMdiChildMovedEvent to the embedded @ref QextMdiChildView . */ virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent* me); /** * Reimplemented from its base class. If not in resize mode, it sets the mouse cursor to normal appearance. */ virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent *); /** Reimplemented from its base class. * Additionally it catches
  • the client's mousebutton press events and raises and activates the childframe then
  • *
  • the client's resize event and resizes its childframe widget (this) as well
*/ virtual bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*);//focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *); /** Calculates the new geometry from the new mouse position given as parameters * and calls QextMdiChildFrm::setGeometry */ void resizeWindow(int resizeCorner, int x, int y); /** * Override the cursor appearance depending on the widget corner given as parameter */ void setResizeCursor(int resizeCorner); /** * changes from the resize cursor to the normal (previous) cursor */ void unsetResizeCursor(); /** That means to show a mini window showing the childframe's caption bar, only. * It cannot be resized. */ virtual void switchToMinimizeLayout(); protected slots: /** * Handles a click on the Maximize button */ void maximizePressed(); /** * Handles a click on the Restore (Normalize) button */ void restorePressed(); /** * Handles a click on the Minimize button. */ void minimizePressed(); /** * Handles a click on the Close button. */ void closePressed(); /** * Handles a click on the Undock (Detach) button */ void undockPressed(); /** * Shows a system menu for child frame windows. */ void showSystemMenu(); protected: /** Restore the focus policies for _all_ widgets in the view using the list given as parameter. * Install the event filter for all direct child widgets of this. (See @ref QextMdiChildFrm::eventFilter ) */ void linkChildren( QDict* pFocPolDict); /** Backups all focus policies of _all_ child widgets in the MDI childview since they get lost during a reparent. * Remove all event filters for all direct child widgets of this. (See @ref QextMdiChildFrm::eventFilter ) */ QDict* unlinkChildren(); /** Calculates the corner id for the resize cursor. The return value can be tested for: * QEXTMDI_RESIZE_LEFT, QEXTMDI_RESIZE_RIGHT, QEXTMDI_RESIZE_TOP, QEXTMDI_RESIZE_BOTTOM * or an OR'd variant of them for the corners. */ int getResizeCorner(int ax,int ay); }; #endif //_QEXTMDICHILDFRM_H_

Generated by: falk on pc9 on Fri Nov 30 14:44:26 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53.