
PARSER (CCP4: Library)


parser - the CCP4 parser subroutine library


The PARSER module of the CCP4 library contains routines which are mainly used for `free-format' `keyworded' input of control data for programs. Most programs have a loop over input records which are initially fed to the routine PARSER to tokenise them and extract the initial keyword. PARSER can cope with continued, commented input lines and included files. It calls PARSE to tokenise individual records and PARSE is sometimes useful itself to compensate for the lack of free-format internal READs in the Fortran 77 standard. See the entries below for details.

See also the keyparse library, which are wrapper routines for the parser routines designed to make it easier to read keyworded input.


Common Keywords

The library contains routines to decode the parameters following the `standard' program keywords:

SYMMETRY <number> | <name> | <operators>
Specifies symmetry in terms of either
<number> spacegroup number e.g. 19;
<name> spacegroup name e.g. P212121;
<operators> explicit symmetry operators e.g.
X,Y,Z * 1/2-X,-Y,1/2+Z * 1/2+X,1/2-Y,-Z * -X,1/2+Y,1/2-Z

RESOLUTION <limit> [ <limit> ]
Specifies resolution limits. If only a single limit is given, it is an upper limit, otherwise the upper and lower limits can be in either order. They are in Å unless they are both < 1.0, in which case they are in units of 4sin2 (theta)/(lambda)2.

CELL a b c [ alpha beta gamma ]
Specifies cell dimensions (in Å) and optionally angles in degrees (which default to 90o).

Controls printing of MTZ information as:
NONE no header output
BRIEF brief header output
HIST brief, with MTZ history
FULL full header output from MTZ reads.


There are also routines to extract real and integer numbers from fields.

Atom selection commands

At present PARSER only supports one atom selection command syntax, with the subroutine RDATOMSELECT. This will decode lines with the following type of atom selection commands:

Keywords... ATOM <inat0> [ [TO] <inat1> ] | RESIDUE [ ALL | ONS | CA ] [ CHAIN <chnam> ] <ires0> [ [TO] <ires1> ]

This is based on the syntax used in atom selection in DISTANG. For the purposes of decoding the selection commands the preceeding keyword(s) are irrelevant.

In practice the syntax described above is designed to allow selections such as:

... ATOM 1 TO 1000
... ATOM 7 9
... ATOM 10
... RESIDUE 11 TO 22

The selection will specifies a range either of atom numbers or of residue numbers. In the latter case it can also optionally be used to specify a chain identifier (one character) and/or an ``atom type'' selection keyword:

  ALL   all types of atoms in the selected range
  ONS   only oxygens and nitrogens in the selected range
  CA    only carbon atoms in the in the selected range
(Note that RDATOMSELECT can also be made to treat ALL/ONS/CA as invalid input, which may be appropriate in some applications.)

The ordering of the RESIDUE subarguments is flexible, so that RESIDUE 1 TO 9 CA CHAIN B is the same as RESIDUE CA CHAIN B 1 TO 9 and so on.

For examples see DISTANG and CONTACT.

List of subroutines

Library parser.f contains the following subroutines:

Routine(argument list) Comments
PARSER read and interpret data from the input stream
PARSE free format read routine
PARSDL change delimiters
KEYNUM check number of numeric fields
[ KEYERR ] - internal subroutine (KEYNUM)
[ CHKNUM ] - not used (Sep 1993)
[ CHKTOK ] - internal (CHKNUM)
[ GETREA ] - not used (Sep 1993)
[ GETINT ] - not used (Sep 1993)
GTNREA extract reals from input
GTNINT extract integers from input
GTPREA extract single real number
GTPINT extract single integer
[ GETSTR ] - not used (Sep 1993)
SBLANK blank characters in an array
[ GTCFLD ] - not used (Sep 1993)
[ CPYCHR ] - not used (Sep 1993)
[ CMOVE ] - not used (Sep 1993)
CHKKEY check keyword against a list
PUTLIN dummy routine?
BLANK put blank lines to output
LERROR general error reporting routine
RDSYMM read 'symmetry' keyword
RDHEAD read 'header' keyword
RDCELL read 'cell' keyword
RDRESO read 'resolution' keyword
RDSCAL read 'scale' keyword
RDRESL read and decode 'resolution' limits
RDATOMSELECT read and decode atom selection keywords
GTTREA extract a real number
GTTINT extract an integer
CMATCH compare characters in a string

Descriptions of the Subroutines



The normal behaviour is to read `keyworded' data from the input stream, and interpret it. This is the case if LINE is initially blank. Stream 5 is the standard input stream, but a line beginning with @<name> starts reading from a file <name> (on stream 11), until end-of-file.

Each logical 'card' may be continued on next line by the continuation characters `&', `-' or `\' at the end of the line: this character is dropped from the list returned to the calling routine.

Trailing comments may be present, following the character '#' or '!': any continuation character (`&', `-' or `\') must PRECEED the comment character -- comments can't be continued. The complete (continued) line, less any comments, is returned in LINE. Lines containing ONLY comments (or blank) will not be returned from this routine -- reading will continue.

Strings may be quoted or unquoted. See also PARSE for details of token delimiters etc.

Alternatively, if LINE is non-blank it will be interpreted before possibly reading further data on the standard input if LINE ends with a continuation character.


    KEY    (O)  CHARACTER*4    Keyword at beginning of line (if present),
                               uppercased before returning.
    LINE   (I/O) CHARACTER*(*) Parse this input string.  If blank read
                               lines from unit 5.  LINE will be updated to
                               contain the entire line read, including
    IBEG   (O)  INTEGER(*)     Array of size at least NTOK.
                               1st column number of tokens in field
    IEND   (O)  INTEGER(*)     Array of size at least NTOK.
                               Last column number of tokens in field
    ITYP   (O)  INTEGER(*)     Array of size at least NTOK.
                               =0  null field
                               =1  character string
                               =2  number
    FVALUE (O)  REAL(*)        Array of size at least NTOK.
                               Value of number.
    CVALUE (O)  CHARACTER(*)*4 Array of size at least NTOK.
                               Character string (1st 4 characters),
                               for numbers as well as strings.
       Items in FVALUE and CVALUE are left unchanged for null fields
    IDEC   (O)  INTEGER(*)     Array of size at least NTOK.
                               Number of 'digits':
                               for string, number of characters (=4
                               for integer, number of digits
                               for real number,
                               (number of digits before point+1)*100
                                +number of digits after point
    NTOK   (I/O) INTEGER       On input sets the maximum number of fields
                               to be parsed (if <20 then defaults to 20)
                               On output returns the number of fields parsed.
    LEND    (O)  LOGICAL       .FALSE. for control card
                               .TRUE.  for end-of-file
    PRINT   (I)  LOGICAL       .TRUE. echo line to unit 6 via PUTLIN
                               .FALSE. don't echo



Free format read routine. This is really a scanner, not a parser. It scans the LINE into N tokens which are separated by delimiters and updates the information arrays for each, as below. The default delimiters are space, tab, comma and equals; they may be changed using PARSDL. Adjacent commas delimit `null' fields (the same as empty strings). Strings may be unquoted or single- or double-quoted if they don't contain delimiters, but must be surrounded by delimiters to be recognised. This allows literal quotes to be read, e.g. "ab"c" will be recognised as the token `ab"c'. An unquoted `!' or `#' in LINE introduces a trailing comment, which is ignored.


    LINE  (I)     CHARACTER*(*)  String to be parsed
    N     (I/O)   INTEGER        Usually <0, when abs(N) is the maximum
                                 number of fields to interpret and should
                                 be <= the array dimensions.  If N>0 it
                                 is the number of tokens read so far,
                                 intended for continuation lines with PARSER.
                                 Returns number of fields scanned or 0 if
                                 line is blank or just contains a comment
   For I=1,N :
    IBEG(I)   (O) INTEGER(*)     1st column number in field
    IEND(I)   (O) INTEGER(*)     last column number in field
    ITYP(I)   (O) INTEGER(*)     =0  null field
                                 =1  character string
                                 =2  number
    FVALUE(I) (O) REAL(*)        Value of number.  Use NINT(FVALUE(I)) to
                                 extract an integer.
    CVALUE(I) (O) CHARACTER(*)*4 Character string (1st 4 characters)
                                 for numbers as well as strings
      Items in FVALUE and CVALUE are left unchanged for null fields
    IDEC(I)   (O) INTEGER(*)     Number of 'digits'
                                 for string, number of characters (=4
                                 for integer, number of digits
                                 for real number,
                                 (number of digits before point+1)*100
                                 +number of digits after point



Call to change delimiters used by PARSE(R)

   NEWDLM  (I) CHARACTER*(*)  Array containing NNEWDL new delimiters
   NNEWDL  (I) INTEGER        Number of new delimiters.
                              If .le. 0, reset delimiters to the standard
                              default set (in DDELIM).
   NSPECD  (I) INTEGER        Number of special delimiters which
                              cannot delimit a null field. These are
                              at the beginning of the delimiter array.
                              (defaults in NDSDLM)



Check that correct number of numbers (numeric fields) are present


   N      (I) INTEGER        Number of consecutive numeric fields expected
   NSTART (I) INTEGER        Number of first field to check
   LINE   (I) CHARACTER*(*)  Array containing the fields
   IBEG   (I) INTEGER(*)     First column number of fields (from PARSER)
   IEND   (I) INTEGER(*)     Last column number of fields (from PARSER)
   ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)     =0  null field
                             =1  character string
                             =2  number
                             (from PARSER)
   NTOK   (I) INTEGER        Number of fields (from PARSER)



Extract M real numbers X starting from N'th value of Parser array FVALUE, if possible. If no value, X = 0.0 . If illegal, write message.


  N      (I) INTEGER    Number of 1st element of FVALUE to be extracted
  M      (I) INTEGER    Number of elements to be extracted
  X      (O) REAL(M)    Put extracted elements into this array
  NTOK   (I) INTEGER    Total number of fields (from PARSER)
  ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                         =1  character string
                         =2  number
  FVALUE (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers to be extracted (from PARSER)



Extract M integers J starting from N'th value of Parser array FVALUE, if possible. If no value, J = 0 . If illegal, write message


  N      (I) INTEGER     Number of 1st element of FVALUE to be extracted
  M      (I) INTEGER     Number of elements to be extracted
  J      (O) INTEGER(M)  Put extracted elements into this array
  NTOK   (I) INTEGER     Total number of fields (from PARSER)
  ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                         =1  character string
                         =2  number
  FVALUE (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers to be extracted (from PARSER)



Extract real number X from N'th value Parser array FVALUE, if possible. If no value, leave X unchanged. If illegal, write message


  N      (I) INTEGER    Number of 1st element of FVALUE to be extracted
  X      (O) REAL       Extracted number put here
  NTOK   (I) INTEGER    Total number of fields (from PARSER)
  ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                         =1  character string
                         =2  number
  FVALUE (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers to be extracted (from PARSER)



Extract integer I from N'th value Parser array FVALUE, if possible If no value, leave I unchanged. If illegal, write message


  N      (I) INTEGER    Number of 1st element of FVALUE to be extracted
  I      (O) INTEGER    Extracted number put here
  NTOK   (I) INTEGER    Total number of fields (from PARSER)
  ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                         =1  character string
                         =2  number
  FVALUE (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers to be extracted (from PARSER)



Blank characters N1 to N2 of ARRAY


  N1    (I)    INTEGER
  N2    (I)    INTEGER



Compare nchar character in string1 and string2 return cmatch .true. if all match, else .false.


  STRING1 (I) CHARACTER*(*)  1st string to compare
  STRING2 (I) CHARACTER*(*)  2nd string to compare
  NCHAR   (I) INTEGER        number of characters to compare



Check keyword KEY against list of NWORDS possible keywords in WORDS. Allows abbreviated or extended keys provided they are not ambiguous.


  KEY    (I) CHARACTER*(*)         Keyword for checking
  WORDS  (I) CHARACTER(NWORDS)*(*) List of possible keywords
  NWORDS (I) INTEGER               Number of keywords in WORDS
  IKEY (I/O) INTEGER               = '?', list all words
                                   = keyword number found (.gt.0)
                                   = 0 if not found or null
                                   = -1 if ambiguous



This is a dummy PUTLIN to link with the MTZ routines mark 1 - all it does is write the line in STROUT to lun 6. Later the routines will be linked with the Compose-Parser etc. from Kim where PUTLIN does a few more things !


  STROUT (I) CHARACTER*(*)  Input line
  OUTWIN (O) CHARACTER*(*)  Not used



This subroutine calls PUTLIN to output NLINES blank lines to the window OUTWIN


      OUTWIN  (I)   CHARACTER*6     output window
      NLINES  (I)   INTEGER         number of blank lines to output



General error reporting subroutine, for the MTZ routines, etc


      ERRFLG  (I)  INTEGER         =1 output meesage as warning
                                   =2 output message as fatal
      IFAIL   (I)  INTEGER         =0 return after fatal error
                                   =-1 STOP after reporting fatal error
      ERRMSG  (I)  CHARACTER*(*)   character string containing error
                                   message to output



Read and decode symmetry specification


    JTOK    (I)  INTEGER        Number of first field to interpret
    LINE    (I)  CHARACTER*(*)  Input string (from PARSER)
    IBEG    (I)  INTEGER(*)     1st column number of tokens in field
                                (from PARSER)
    IEND    (I)  INTEGER(*)     Last column number of tokens in field
                                (from PARSER)
    ITYP    (I)  INTEGER(*)     =0  null field
                                =1  character string
                                =2  number
                                (from PARSER)
    FVALUE  (I)  REAL(*)        Array of numbers. (from PARSER)
    NTOK    (I)  INTEGER        The number of fields parsed. (from PARSER)
    NSYM  (I/O)  INTEGER        Number of symmetry operations already read,
                                including non-primitive.
                                (should be cleared to 0 at beginning)
    SPGNAM  (O) CHARACTER*(*)   Space group name
    NUMSGP  (O) INTEGER         Space group number
    PGNAME  (O) CHARACTER*(*)   Point group name
    NSYMP   (O) INTEGER         Number of primitive symmetry operations
    RSYM    (O) REAL(4,4,*)     Symmetry matrices. * should be at least =NSYM


     .    MTZPRT,MTZBPR)

Read and decode HEADER command, to set print flags for MTZ headers


    JTOK   (I) INTEGER       Number of first field to interpret
    LINE   (I) CHARACTER*(*) Input string (from PARSER)
    IBEG   (I) INTEGER(*)    1st column number of tokens in field
                             (from PARSER)
    IEND   (I) INTEGER(*)    Last column number of tokens in field
                             (from PARSER)
    ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)    =0  null field
                             =1  character string
                             =2  number
                             (from PARSER)
    FVALUE (I) REAL(*)       Array of numbers. (from PARSER)
    NTOK   (I) INTEGER       The number of fields parsed. (from PARSER)
    MTZPRT (O) INTEGER       Flag to control printout from MTZ file header
                             NONE    sets MTZPRT = 0
                              no header o/p
                             BRIEF   sets MTZPRT = 1 (default)
                              brief header o/p
                             HISTORY sets MTZPRT = 2
                              brief + mtz history
                             ALL     sets MTZPRT = 3
                              full header o/p from mtz reads
    MTZBPR (O) INTEGER       Controls printout from BATCH HEADERS
                             NOBATCH     sets MTZBPR = 0
                              no batch header o/p
                             BATCH       sets MTZBPR = 1  (default)
                              batch titles o/p
                             ORIENTATION sets MTZBPR = 2
                              batch orientation also



Read and decode cell parameters


    ITOK   (I) INTEGER     Number of first field to interpret
    ITYPE  (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                           =1  character string
                           =2  number
                           (from PARSER)
    FVALUE (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers. (from PARSER)
    NTOK   (I) INTEGER     The number of fields parsed. (from PARSER)
    CELL   (O) REAL(6)     Cell parameters a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma.


     +                  RESMAX,SMIN,SMAX)

Read and decode resolution limits.


      ITOK    (I) INTEGER     Number of first field to interpret
      ITYPE   (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                              =1  character string
                              =2  number
                              (from PARSER)
      FVALUE  (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers. (from PARSER)
      NTOK    (I) INTEGER     The number of fields parsed. (from PARSER)
      RESMIN  (O) REAL        Minimum resolution (in As)
      RESMAX  (O) REAL        Maximum resolution (in As)
      SMIN    (O) REAL        Minimum resolution ( 4sin**2/lambda**2)
      SMAX    (O) REAL        Maximum resolution ( 4sin**2/lambda**2)



Read and decode SCALE.


   ITOK   (I/O) INTEGER     Input: number of first field to interpret
                            Output: number of next token to interpret (.gt. 0)
                                   =  0 if line exhausted (SCAL & BB OK)
                                   = -1 if no scale given
                                   = -2 unrecognized label
   LINE   (I) CHARACTER*(*) Input string (from PARSER)
   IBEG   (I) INTEGER(*)    1st column number of tokens in field
                            (from PARSER)
   IEND   (I) INTEGER(*)    Last column number of tokens in field
                            (from PARSER)
   ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)    =0  null field
                            =1  character string
                            =2  number
                            (from PARSER)
   FVALUE (I) REAL(*)       Array of numbers. (from PARSER)
   NTOK   (I) INTEGER       The number of fields parsed. (from PARSER)
   LSPRGI (I) CHARACTER(*)*30  Program label strings.
                                   L(abel) S(tring) PRG(ram) I(nput)
   NLPRGI (I) INTEGER        Number of label strings in LSPRGI
   ILPRGI (O) INTEGER        Number in array of LSPRGI whose scale has been rese
   SCAL   (O) REAL           Scale factor, no default
   BB     (O) REAL           Temperature factor, default = 0.0


     +                  RESMAX,SMIN,SMAX,ISTAT)

Read and decode resolution limits.

Subkeywords in CVALUE recognized:

        LOW   read next number as low resolution limit
        HIGH  read next number as high resolution limit

If LOW & HIGH are both present, the limits will still be swapped to the correct order

If only LOW or HIGH are given, the unset limit (ie either RESMAX, SMAX or RESMIN, SMIN) will be set to -1.0. If only one number is given, it is treated as a high resolution limit

If both limits are given without keywords, and both are .lt. 1.0, it is assumed that the limits are 4(sin theta/lambda)**2 rather than A


   ITOK   (I) INTEGER         Number of first field to interpret
   ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)      =0  null field
                              =1  character string
                              =2  number
                              (from PARSER)
   FVALUE (I) REAL(*)         Array of numbers. (from PARSER)
   NTOK   (I) INTEGER         The number of fields parsed. (from PARSER)
   CVALUE (I) CHARACTER(*)*4  Parsed tokens from program input. (from PARSER)
   RESMIN  (O) REAL           Minimum resolution (in As) (ie low resolution)
   RESMAX  (O) REAL           Maximum resolution (in As) (ie high resolution)
   SMIN    (O) REAL           Minimum resolution ( 4sin**2/lambda**2)
                                 (ie low resolution)
   SMAX    (O) REAL           Maximum resolution ( 4sin**2/lambda**2)
                                 (ie high resolution)
   ISTAT   (O) INTEGER        =0  OK
                              =-1 illegal subkeyword
                              =+1 no limits set
                              =+2 illegal number (probably can't happen)



Extract real number X from N'th value of Parser array FVALUE, if possible.

If no value, leave X unchanged. If illegal, write message


   N      (I) INTEGER     Number of 1st element of FVALUE to be extracted
   X      (O) REAL        Put extracted number here
   LFLAG  (O) INTEGER     =  0  OK (valid number or null field)
                          = -1  beyond end of line
                          = +1  illegal number
   NTOK   (I) INTEGER     Total number of fields (from PARSER)
   ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                          =1  character string
                          =2  number
                          (from PARSER)
   FVALUE (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers to be extracted (from PARSER)



Extract integer I from N'th value of Parser array FVALUE, if possible.

If no value, leave I unchanged. If illegal, write message.


   N      (I) INTEGER     Number of 1st element of FVALUE to be extracted
   I      (O) INTEGER     Put extracted number here
   LFLAG  (O) INTEGER     =  0  OK (valid number or null field)
                          = -1  beyond end of line
                          = +1  illegal number
   NTOK   (I) INTEGER     Total number of fields (from PARSER)
   ITYP   (I) INTEGER(*)  =0  null field
                          =1  character string
                          =2  number
                          (from PARSER)
   FVALUE (I) REAL(*)     Array of numbers to be extracted (from PARSER)


     +                        IMODE,NTOK,LINE,IBEG,IEND,ITYP,IDEC,
     +                        FVALUE,IFAIL)

Subroutine to process atom selection keyword with the following general syntax:

    <Keywords...> ATOM <inat0> [ [TO] <inat1> ] |
                  RESIDUE [ALL | ONS | CA] [ CHAIN <chnam> ]
                  <ires0> [ [TO] <ires1> ]

     e.g. kywd atom 1 to 100
          kywd residue chain A 20 to 30
          kywd residue all 11 32    etc...

To be compatible with DISTANG, CONTACT etc the ordering of the RESIDUE subarguments is flexible, eg RESIDUE 1 TO 9 CA CHAIN B is the same as RESIDUE CA CHAIN B 1 TO 9...

The subroutine returns the selection entered by the user and expects the calling program to deal with the results. The preceeding keywords are relevant for this subroutine


     JTOK    (I) INTEGER       Number of first field to interpret
     NTOK    (I) INTEGER       The number of fields parsed, from PARSER
     LINE    (I) CHARACTER*(*) Input string, from PARSER
     IBEG    (I) INTEGER(*)    1st column number of tokens in field
                               (from PARSER)
     IEND    (I) INTEGER(*)    Last column number of tokens in field
                               (from PARSER)
     ITYP    (I) INTEGER(*)    =0  null field
                               =1  character string
                               =2  number   (from PARSER)
     IDEC    (I) INTEGER(*)    Number of characters/digits in each token
                               (from PARSER)
     FVALUE  (I) REAL(*)       Array of numbers. (from PARSER)

     INAT0   (O) INTEGER       Lower limit of atom range (-99 if not set)
     INAT1   (O) INTEGER       Upper limit of atom range (-99 if not set)
     IRES0   (O) INTEGER       Lower limit of residue range (-99 if not set)
     IRES1   (O) INTEGER       Upper limit of residue range (-99 if not set)
     CHNAM   (O) CHARACTER*1   Chain identifier (' ' if not set)
     IMODE (I/O) INTEGER       On entry: -1 = don't allow MODE
                                         any other value = allow MODE
                               On exit:  Type of atoms to include:
                                          1=ALL   2=ONS   3=CA (see eg CONTACT)
     IFAIL (I/O) INTEGER       On entry:  0 = suppress warnings
                                         -1 = print warnings
                               On exit:   0 = LINE parsed ok
                                         >0 = error occured parsing line
                                              (value of IFAIL is no. of bad token)


The subroutine returns either:

  1. first/last atom numbers, defining a range of atoms, or
  2. first/last residue numbers, defining a range of residues, plus
    (optionally) chain identifier
    (optionally) a MODE which specifies which type of atoms to include:
    	   all = (default) all atoms in residue range
               ons = only oxygen and nitrogen atoms
               ca  = only CA atoms

Unset atoms/residue numbers will be returned < 0 (i.e. -99)
Unset chain identifier will be returned as a blank, i.e. ' '
Mode defaults to 1 = include all types of atoms.


Original Author: Based on Mike Levitt's routine of the same name.
Modified By: Peter Brick, Phil Evans, Eleanor Dodson, Dave Love, Peter Briggs