=begin == Acces Methods These are the methods for ((|BDB1::Recnum|)) # module BDB1 ## ## All instance methods has the same syntax than the methods of Array # class Recnum < Common # class << self === Class Methods --- type[args, ...] create a new temporary db file, populated with the given object --- create([name, flags, mode, options]) --- new([name, flags, mode, options]) --- open([name, flags, mode, options]) open the database : ((|options|)) : ((|set_flags|)) general database configuration : ((|set_cachesize|)) set the database cache size : ((|set_pagesize|)) set the underlying database page size : ((|set_lorder|)) set the database byte order : ((|set_re_delim|)) set the variable-length record delimiter : ((|set_re_len|)) set the fixed-length record length : ((|set_re_pad|)) set the fixed-length record pad byte # end === Methods ((*All this methods has the same syntax than for the class ((|Array|))*)) --- self[nth] retrieves the ((|nth|)) item from an array. Index starts from zero. If index is the negative, counts backward from the end of the array. The index of the last element is -1. Returns ((|nil|)), if the ((|nth|)) element is not exist in the array. --- self[start..end] returns an array containing the objects from ((|start|)) to ((|end|)), including both ends. if end is larger than the length of the array, it will be rounded to the length. If ((|start|)) is out of an array range , returns ((|nil|)). And if ((|start|)) is larger than end with in array range, returns empty array ([]). --- self[start, length] returns an array containing ((|length|)) items from ((|start|)). Returns ((|nil|)) if ((|length|)) is negative. --- self[nth] = val changes the ((|nth|)) element of the array into ((|val|)). If ((|nth|)) is larger than array length, the array shall be extended automatically. Extended region shall be initialized by ((|nil|)). --- self[start..end] = val replace the items from ((|start|)) to ((|end|)) with ((|val|)). If ((|val|)) is not an array, the type of ((|val|)) will be converted into the Array using ((|to_a|)) method. --- self[start, length] = val replace the ((|length|)) items from ((|start|)) with ((|val|)). If ((|val|)) is not an array, the type of ((|val|)) will be converted into the Array using ((|to_a|)). --- self + other concatenation --- self * times repetition --- self - other substraction --- self & other returns a new array which contains elements belong to both elements. --- self | other join --- self << obj append a new item with value ((|obj|)). Return ((|self|)) --- self <=> other comparison : return -1, 0 or 1 --- clear delete all elements --- collect {|item| ..} Returns a new array by invoking block once for every element, passing each element as a parameter to block. The result of block is used as the given element --- collect! {|item| ..} invokes block once for each element of db, replacing the element with the value returned by block. --- concat(other) append ((|other|)) to the end --- delete(val) delete the item which matches to ((|val|)) --- delete_at(pos) delete the item at ((|pos|)) --- delete_if {|x| ...} delete the item if the block return ((|true|)) --- reject!{|x|...} delete the item if the block return ((|true|)) --- each {|x| ...} iterate over each item --- each_index {|i| ...} iterate over each index --- empty? return ((|true|)) if the db file is empty --- fill(val) set the entire db with ((|val|)) --- fill(val, start[, length]) fill the db with ((|val|)) from ((|start|)) --- fill(val, start..end) set the db with ((|val|)) from ((|start|)) to ((|end|)) --- include?(val) returns true if the given ((|val|)) is present --- index(val) returns the index of the item which equals to ((|val|)). If no item found, returns ((|nil|)) --- indexes(index_1,..., index_n) returns an array consisting of elements at the given indices --- indices(index_1,..., index_n) returns an array consisting of elements at the given indices --- join([sep]) returns a string created by converting each element to a string --- length --- size return the number of elements of the db file --- nitems return the number of non-nil elements of the db file --- pop pops and returns the last value --- push(obj...) appends obj --- replace(other) replaces the contents of the db file with the contents of ((|other|)) --- reverse returns the array of the items in reverse order --- reverse! replaces the items in reverse order. --- reverse_each {|x| ...} iterate over each item in reverse order --- rindex(val) returns the index of the last item which verify ((|item == val|)) --- shift remove and return the first element --- to_a --- to_ary return an ((|Array|)) with all elements --- unshift(obj) insert ((|obj|)) to the front of the db file # end # end =end