=begin == Acces Methods These are the methods for ((|BDB::Recnum|)) # module BDB #^ Don't mix these methods with methods of ((|BDB::Cursor|)) #^ ## ## All instance methods has the same syntax than the methods of Array # class Recnum < Common # class << self === Class Methods --- open(name = nil, subname = nil, flags = 0, mode = 0, options = {}) --- create(name = nil, subname = nil, flags = 0, mode = 0, options = {}) --- new(name = nil, subname = nil, flags = 0, mode = 0, options = {}) open the database BDB::Recnum.open(name, subname, flags, mode) is equivalent to BDB::Recno.open(name, subname, flags, mode, "set_flags" => BDB::RENUMBER, "set_array_base" => 0) --- remove(name, subname = nil) --- db_remove(name, subname = nil) --- unlink(name, subname = nil) Removes the database (or subdatabase) represented by the name and subname combination. If no subdatabase is specified, the physical file represented by name is removed, incidentally removing all subdatabases that it contained. --- upgrade(name) --- db_upgrade(name) Upgrade the database # end === Methods ((*All this methods has the same syntax than for the class ((|Array|))*)) --- self[nth] retrieves the ((|nth|)) item from an array. Index starts from zero. If index is the negative, counts backward from the end of the array. The index of the last element is -1. Returns ((|nil|)), if the ((|nth|)) element is not exist in the array. --- self[start..end] returns an array containing the objects from ((|start|)) to ((|end|)), including both ends. if end is larger than the length of the array, it will be rounded to the length. If ((|start|)) is out of an array range , returns ((|nil|)). And if ((|start|)) is larger than end with in array range, returns empty array ([]). --- self[start, length] returns an array containing ((|length|)) items from ((|start|)). Returns ((|nil|)) if ((|length|)) is negative. --- self[nth] = val changes the ((|nth|)) element of the array into ((|val|)). If ((|nth|)) is larger than array length, the array shall be extended automatically. Extended region shall be initialized by ((|nil|)). --- self[start..end] = val replace the items from ((|start|)) to ((|end|)) with ((|val|)). If ((|val|)) is not an array, the type of ((|val|)) will be converted into the Array using ((|to_a|)) method. --- self[start, length] = val replace the ((|length|)) items from ((|start|)) with ((|val|)). If ((|val|)) is not an array, the type of ((|val|)) will be converted into the Array using ((|to_a|)). --- self + other concatenation --- self * times repetition --- self - other substraction --- self & other returns a new array which contains elements belong to both elements. --- self | other join --- self << obj append a new item with value ((|obj|)). Return ((|self|)) --- self <=> other comparison : return -1, 0 or 1 --- clear delete all elements --- collect {|item| ..} Returns a new array by invoking block once for every element, passing each element as a parameter to block. The result of block is used as the given element --- collect! {|item| ..} invokes block once for each element of db, replacing the element with the value returned by block. --- concat(other) append ((|other|)) to the end --- delete(val) delete the item which matches to ((|val|)) --- delete_at(pos) delete the item at ((|pos|)) --- delete_if {|x| ...} delete the item if the block return ((|true|)) --- reject!{|x|...} delete the item if the block return ((|true|)) --- each {|x| ...} iterate over each item --- each_index {|i| ...} iterate over each index --- empty? return ((|true|)) if the db file is empty --- fill(val) set the entire db with ((|val|)) --- fill(val, start[, length]) fill the db with ((|val|)) from ((|start|)) --- fill(val, start..end) set the db with ((|val|)) from ((|start|)) to ((|end|)) --- include?(val) returns true if the given ((|val|)) is present --- index(val) returns the index of the item which equals to ((|val|)). If no item found, returns ((|nil|)) --- indexes(index_1,..., index_n) returns an array consisting of elements at the given indices --- indices(index_1,..., index_n) returns an array consisting of elements at the given indices --- join([sep]) returns a string created by converting each element to a string --- length --- size return the number of elements of the db file --- nitems return the number of non-nil elements of the db file --- pop pops and returns the last value --- push(obj...) appends obj --- replace(other) replaces the contents of the db file with the contents of ((|other|)) --- reverse returns the array of the items in reverse order --- reverse! replaces the items in reverse order. --- reverse_each {|x| ...} iterate over each item in reverse order --- rindex(val) returns the index of the last item which verify ((|item == val|)) --- shift remove and return the first element --- to_a --- to_ary return an ((|Array|)) with all elements --- unshift(obj) insert ((|obj|)) to the front of the db file # end # end =end