/* prepdoc.c * Document Preparation System * Roger Sayle, Version 1.1, January 1994 * Version 1.2 * Herbert J. Bernstein, June 1999 */ /* #define APPLEMAC */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef APPLEMAC #include #endif #ifndef True #define True 1 #define False 0 #endif #define RTFForm 0x00 #define LaTeXForm 0x01 #define HTMLForm 0x02 #define TextForm 0x03 #define HelpForm 0x04 #define ManForm 0x05 #define VaxForm 0x06 #define StrTabLen 32768 #define StrPtrTabLen 1024 static char StrTab[StrTabLen]; static char* StrPtrTab[StrPtrTabLen]; static size_t StrLenTab[StrPtrTabLen]; static int NumStr; static int NumStrChr; static int NumSec; static int StrSecTab[StrPtrTabLen]; static int Pass; static int LineNum; static char Buffer[514]; static char BodyBlock[255] = ""; static int nblen; static FILE *OutFile; static FILE *InFile; static int SplitFlag; static int Format; int strncasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t n); static void StrInit() { register int i; NumStr = 0; NumStrChr = 0; NumSec = 0; for (i=0; i< StrTabLen; i++) StrTab[i] = 0; for (i=0; i< StrPtrTabLen; i++) { StrPtrTab[i] = 0; StrLenTab[i] = 0; StrSecTab[i] = 0; } } static int StrPtr ( char *str ) { size_t len; int i; char *ptr; len = strlen(str); for (i=0; i\n",OutFile); if( OutFile != stdout ) fclose(OutFile); ConvLowerCase(buffer,ptr); if( !(OutFile = fopen(buffer,"w")) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Unable to create file `%s'!, Line %d\n", buffer, LineNum); OutFile = stdout; } } static void DisplayOnlyLowerCase( ptr ) char *ptr; { register char ch; while( (ch = *ptr++) ) if( isupper(ch) ) { putc(tolower(ch),OutFile); } else if( (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >='0' && ch <= '9') ) putc(ch,OutFile); } static void DisplayText( src ) char *src; { register char *ptr; register char *dst; register int max; max = (Format==VaxForm)? 68 : 76; while( *src ) { dst = src; while( *dst && *dst!=' ' ) dst++; if( TextCol+(dst-src) > max ) { putc('\n',OutFile); TextCol = 0; } if( !TextCol && (Format==VaxForm) ) putc(' ',OutFile); while( src != dst ) { putc( *src++, OutFile ); TextCol++; } while( *src==' ' ) src++; putc(' ',OutFile); TextCol++; } } static char *VAXSection( ptr ) char *ptr; { register char *tmp; if( !strncmp(ptr,"Set ",4) ) ptr += 4; for( tmp=ptr; *tmp; tmp++ ) if( *tmp==' ' ) *tmp = '_'; return( ptr ); } static void SplitRawHTML( ptr ) char *ptr; { register char *src; register char *dst; register int flag; register int iptr; char buffer[80]; char secname[80]; while( *ptr ) { flag = True; if( *ptr == '<' ) { if( ptr[1]=='a' || ptr[1]=='A') { if( !strncasecmp(ptr,"",dst); iptr= (-iptr-1); } fputs("') { putc(*ptr,OutFile); ptr++; } *dst = 0; flag = False; } } } if (flag) { putc(*ptr,OutFile); ptr++; } } /* EndOfLine Char */ putc('\n',OutFile); } static void FilterHTMLChar( ptr ) char **ptr; { char ch; ch = **ptr; if ( !ch ) return; (*ptr)++; if( ch == '&' ) { fprintf(OutFile,"&"); } else { if( ch == '<' ) { fprintf(OutFile,"<"); } else { if( ch == '>' ) { fprintf(OutFile,">"); } else { if( ch == '"' ) { fprintf(OutFile,"""); } else { if( ch == 'A' && !strncmp(*ptr,"ngstrom",7) ) { fprintf(OutFile,"Ångstrom"); *ptr += 7; } else { if ( ch == 'i' && !strncmp(*ptr,".e.",3) ) { fprintf(OutFile,"i.e."); *ptr += 3; } else { if ( ch == 'e' && !strncmp(*ptr,"g.",3) ) { fprintf(OutFile,"e.g."); *ptr += 3; } else { putc(ch,OutFile); } } } } } } } } static void OnlyLowerCase( char *ptrlow, char *ptruplow ) { register char ch; while( (ch = *ptruplow++) ) if( isupper(ch) ) { *ptrlow++ = tolower(ch); } else if( (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >='0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_' ) *ptrlow++ = ch; *ptrlow = 0; return; } static void ProcHTag() { static char buffer[80]; static char *ptr; register int i,len; register char echar; ptr = Buffer+2; OnlyLowerCase(buffer,ptr); if (StrPtr(buffer) >= 0) fprintf(stderr,"Duplicate section tag \"%s\", Section %d, Line %d\n", ptr,NumSec, LineNum); return; } static void ProcRawHTag( ) { register char *ptr; register char *src; register char *dst; static char buffer[80]; static char bufferlow[80]; ptr = Buffer+2; while( *ptr ) if( *ptr == '<' ) { if( ptr[1]=='a' || ptr[1]=='A') { /* Anchor Format Problems? */ if( !strncasecmp(ptr,"= 0) fprintf(stderr,"Duplicate section tag \"%s\", Section %d, Line %d\n", buffer,NumSec, LineNum); if( *src ) { ptr = src+1; while( *ptr && (*ptr!='>') ) ptr++; if( *ptr ) ptr++; } else ptr = src; } else if( !strncasecmp(ptr,"') ) { ptr += 4; } else /* Unrecognised code */ { ptr++; } } else /* Normal Character! */ { ptr++; } } static void ProcessCommand() { static char buffer[80]; static char secname[80]; static char *ptr; register int i,len,iptr; register char echar; ptr = Buffer+2; switch( Buffer[1] ) { case('R'): if( TextCol ) putc('\n',OutFile); if( SplitFlag ) { SplitRawHTML(ptr); } else fprintf(OutFile,"%s\n",ptr); TextFlag = True; TextCol = 0; break; case('T'): if( Format == RTFForm ) { fprintf(OutFile,"%s {}\n",ptr); TextCol = 0; } else if( Format == HTMLForm ) { while( *ptr ) FilterHTMLChar(&ptr); putc('\n',OutFile); TextCol = 0; } else if( (Format!=TextForm) && (Format!=HelpForm) && (Format!=VaxForm) ) { fprintf(OutFile,"%s\n",ptr); TextCol = 0; } else DisplayText(ptr); TextFlag = True; break; case('P'): if( TextFlag ) { if( Format == HTMLForm ) { fputs("

\n",OutFile); } else if( Format==RTFForm ) { fputs("\\par\\par\n",OutFile); } else if( (Format==TextForm) || (Format==HelpForm) || (Format==VaxForm) ) { fputs("\n\n",OutFile); } else putc('\n',OutFile); TextFlag = False; TextCol = 0; } break; case('B'): if( TextFlag ) { if( Format==HTMLForm ) { if( !SplitFlag ) { fputs("

\n",OutFile); } else { fputs("

",OutFile); if(NumSec>0) { sprintf(buffer,"sect%d",NumSec-1); ConvLowerCase(buffer,buffer); fprintf(OutFile,"< previous | ",buffer); } fprintf(OutFile,"Contents | "); NumSec++; sprintf(buffer,"sect%d",NumSec); ConvLowerCase(buffer,buffer); fprintf(OutFile,"next >",buffer); fputs("
\n\n",OutFile); sprintf(buffer,"sect%d",NumSec); OpenLowerCase(buffer); fprintf(OutFile, "\n\n%s\n\n%s\n",ptr,BodyBlock); } } else if( Format==RTFForm ) { fputs("\\par\\page\\par\n",OutFile); fputs("+{\\footnote doc}\n",OutFile); } else if( (Format==TextForm) || (Format==HelpForm) || (Format==VaxForm) ) { fputs("\n\n",OutFile); } else putc('\n',OutFile); TextFlag = False; TextCol = 0; } break; case('S'): if( Format==TextForm ) { len = strlen(ptr); fprintf(OutFile,"%s\n",ptr); for( i=0; i


\n",ptr); } else { fputs("


\n",ptr); } } else if( Format==RTFForm ) { fputs("#{\\footnote ",OutFile); DisplayOnlyLowerCase(ptr); fprintf(OutFile,"}\n${\\footnote %s}\n",ptr); fputs("K{\\footnote ",OutFile); DisplayLowerCase(ptr); fprintf(OutFile,"}\n{\\b %s}\\par\\par\n",ptr); } else if( Format==HelpForm ) { putc('?',OutFile); DisplayLowerCase(ptr); fprintf(OutFile,"\n%s\n",ptr); } else if( Format==ManForm ) { fprintf(OutFile,".TP\n.B %s\n",ptr); } else if( Format==VaxForm ) fprintf(OutFile,"3 %s\n",VAXSection(ptr)); TextCol = 0; break; case('X'): while( *ptr!=' ' ) ptr++; *ptr++ = 0; echar = Buffer[nblen-1]; if (echar == '.' || echar == ';' || echar == ',' || echar == ':') { Buffer[nblen-1] = 0; } else echar = 0; if( Format == RTFForm ) { fprintf(OutFile,"'{\\uldb %s}",ptr); fprintf(OutFile,"{\\v %s}'",Buffer+2); if (echar) putc(echar,OutFile); fprintf(OutFile," {}\n"); break; } else if( Format == HTMLForm ) { if( SplitFlag ) { if ( ( iptr=StrPtr(Buffer+2) ) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Missing Tag \"%s\", Section %d\n",Buffer+2,NumSec); fprintf(OutFile,"",Buffer+2); iptr= (-iptr-1); } sprintf(secname,"sect%d",StrSecTab[iptr]); ConvLowerCase(secname,secname); fprintf(OutFile,"'",secname,Buffer+2); } else fprintf(OutFile,"'",Buffer+2); fprintf(OutFile,""); while( *ptr ) FilterHTMLChar(&ptr); if (echar) { fprintf(OutFile,"'%c\n",echar); } else fprintf(OutFile,"'\n"); break; } if (echar) Buffer[nblen-1] = echar; case('C'): echar = Buffer[nblen-1]; if (echar == '.' || echar == ';' || echar == ',' || echar == ':') { Buffer[nblen-1] = 0; } else echar = 0; if( Format == RTFForm ) { if (echar) { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'' ) { if(Buffer[nblen-2]==*ptr) Buffer[nblen-2]=0; fprintf(OutFile,"%c{\\f2\\b %s}%c%c {}\n",*ptr, ptr+1, *ptr, echar); } else fprintf(OutFile,"'{\\f2\\b %s}'%c {}\n",ptr, echar); } else { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'' ) { if(Buffer[nblen-1]==*ptr) Buffer[nblen-1]=0; fprintf(OutFile,"%c{\\f2\\b %s}%c {}\n",*ptr, ptr+1, *ptr); } else fprintf(OutFile,"'{\\f2\\b %s}' {}\n",ptr); } TextCol = 0; } else if( Format == HTMLForm ) { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'') { int quoted=1; fprintf(OutFile,"""); ptr++; while( *ptr ) { if(quoted && (*ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'')) { fprintf(OutFile,"""); quoted=0; ptr++; } else { FilterHTMLChar(&ptr); } } if (quoted) { fprintf(OutFile,"""); } if (echar) putc(echar,OutFile); putc('\n',OutFile); } else { fprintf(OutFile,"'"); while( *ptr ) FilterHTMLChar(&ptr); if (echar) { fprintf(OutFile,"'%c\n",echar); } else { fprintf(OutFile,"'\n"); } } } else if( Format == ManForm ) { if(echar) Buffer[nblen-1] = echar; if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'') ptr++; if(echar) { if(Buffer[nblen-2]=='"' || Buffer[nblen-2]=='\'') { Buffer[nblen-2] = echar; Buffer[nblen-1] = 0; } } else { if(Buffer[nblen-1]=='"' || Buffer[nblen-1]=='\'') { Buffer[nblen-1] = 0; } } fprintf(OutFile,".B %s\n",ptr); } else if( (Format!=TextForm) && (Format!=HelpForm) && (Format!=VaxForm) ) { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'') { if(echar) Buffer[nblen-1] = echar; fprintf(OutFile,"%s\n",ptr); } else { if( *ptr=='*' ) { fprintf(OutFile,"\"%s\"",ptr); } else fprintf(OutFile,"'%s'",ptr); if (echar) putc(echar,OutFile); putc('\n',OutFile); } TextCol = 0; } else /* DisplayText! */ { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr == '\'' ) { if(echar) Buffer[nblen-1] = echar; sprintf(buffer,"%s",ptr); } else { if(echar) sprintf(buffer,"'%s'%c",ptr,echar); else sprintf(buffer,"'%s'",ptr); } DisplayText(buffer); } TextFlag = True; break; case('K'): echar = Buffer[nblen-1]; if (echar == '.' || echar == ';' || echar == ',' || echar == ':') { Buffer[nblen-1] = 0; } else echar = 0; if( Format == RTFForm ) { if (echar) { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'' ) { if(Buffer[nblen-2]==*ptr) Buffer[nblen-2]=0; fprintf(OutFile,"%c{\\f2\\b %s}%c%c {}\n",*ptr, ptr+1, *ptr, echar); } else fprintf(OutFile,"{\\f2\\b %s}%c {}\n",ptr, echar); } else { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'' ) { if(Buffer[nblen-1]==*ptr) Buffer[nblen-1]=0; fprintf(OutFile,"%c{\\f2\\b %s}%c {}\n",*ptr, ptr+1, *ptr); } else fprintf(OutFile,"{\\f2\\b %s} {}\n",ptr); } TextCol = 0; } else if( Format == HTMLForm ) { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'') { int quoted=1; fprintf(OutFile,"""); ptr++; while( *ptr ) { if(quoted && (*ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'')) { fprintf(OutFile,"""); quoted=0; ptr++; } else { FilterHTMLChar(&ptr); } } if (quoted) { fprintf(OutFile,"""); } if (echar) putc(echar,OutFile); putc('\n',OutFile); } else { fprintf(OutFile,""); while( *ptr ) FilterHTMLChar(&ptr); if (echar) { fprintf(OutFile,"%c\n",echar); } else { fprintf(OutFile,"\n"); } } } else if( Format == ManForm ) { if(echar) Buffer[nblen-1] = echar; if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'') ptr++; if(echar) { if(Buffer[nblen-2]=='"' || Buffer[nblen-2]=='\'') { Buffer[nblen-2] = echar; Buffer[nblen-1] = 0; } } else { if(Buffer[nblen-1]=='"' || Buffer[nblen-1]=='\'') { Buffer[nblen-1] = 0; } } fprintf(OutFile,".B %s\n",ptr); } else if( (Format!=TextForm) && (Format!=HelpForm) && (Format!=VaxForm) ) { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr=='\'') { if(echar) Buffer[nblen-1] = echar; fprintf(OutFile,"%s\n",ptr); } else { if( *ptr=='*' ) { fprintf(OutFile,"\"%s\"",ptr); } else fprintf(OutFile,"'%s'",ptr); if (echar) putc(echar,OutFile); putc('\n',OutFile); } TextCol = 0; } else /* DisplayText! */ { if( *ptr=='"' || *ptr == '\'' ) { if(echar) Buffer[nblen-1] = echar; sprintf(buffer,"\"%s\"",ptr+1); } else { if(echar) sprintf(buffer,"%s%c",ptr,echar); else sprintf(buffer,"%s",ptr); } DisplayText(buffer); } TextFlag = True; break; } } int main( argc, argv ) int argc; char *argv[]; { register char *fname; register char *ptr; register int flag; #ifdef APPLEMAC argc = ccommand(&argv); #endif fputs("Document Preparation System\n",stderr); fputs("Roger Sayle, Version 1.1, January 1994\n",stderr); fputs("Herbert J. Bernstein, Version 1.2, June 1999\n\n",stderr); Format = TextForm; SplitFlag = False; OutFile = stdout; StrInit(); Pass = 0; if( argc==2 ) { fname = argv[1]; } else if( argc==3 ) { fname = argv[2]; ptr = argv[1]; if( *ptr=='-' ) ptr++; if( !strcmp(ptr,"latex") ) { Format = LaTeXForm; } else if( !strcmp(ptr,"help") ) { Format = HelpForm; } else if( !strcmp(ptr,"html") ) { Format = HTMLForm; } else if( !strcmp(ptr,"splithtml") ) { Format = HTMLForm; SplitFlag = True; } else if( !strcmp(ptr,"rtf") || !strcmp(ptr,"mshelp") ) { Format = RTFForm; } else if( !strcmp(ptr,"text") || !strcmp(ptr,"ascii") ) { Format = TextForm; } else if( !strcmp(ptr,"man") || !strcmp(ptr,"troff") ) { Format = ManForm; } else if( !strcmp(ptr,"vax") || !strcmp(ptr,"vms") ) { Format = VaxForm; } else { fputs("Formats: -latex LaTeX .tex file\n",stderr); fputs(" -troff UNIX man(1) pages\n",stderr); fputs(" -html HyperText metalanguage\n",stderr); fputs(" -help RasMol on-line help file\n",stderr); fputs(" -rtf Microsoft Help (Rich Text)\n",stderr); fputs(" -text Standard ASCII text\n\n",stderr); fputs(" -vax VAX VMS Help file\n\n",stderr); exit(1); } } else /* DisplayUsage */ { fputs("Usage: prepdoc [format] \n",stderr); exit(1); } if( !(InFile=fopen(fname,"r")) ) { fputs("Error: Unable to open input file!\n",stderr); exit(1); } if (SplitFlag) { rewind(InFile); LineNum = 0; while( !feof(InFile) ) { ReadLine(); if ( Buffer[0]=='V' || Buffer[0]=='H' || Buffer[0]=='A' || Buffer[0]=='U') { switch( Buffer[1] ) { case('B'): NumSec++; break; case('S'): ProcHTag(); break; case('R'): ProcRawHTag(); break; } } } rewind(InFile); NumSec = 0; } LineNum = 0; TextFlag = False; TextCol = 0; while( !feof(InFile) ) { ReadLine(); switch( *Buffer ) { case('V'): flag = (Format==LaTeXForm) || (Format==HTMLForm) || (Format==RTFForm) || (Format==TextForm); break; case('U'): flag = SplitFlag; break; case('D'): flag = (Format==TextForm) || (Format==HelpForm) || (Format==ManForm); break; case('S'): flag = (Format==HelpForm) || (Format==ManForm); break; case('N'): flag = (Format==TextForm) || (Format==HelpForm); break; case('L'): flag = (Format==LaTeXForm); break; case('H'): flag = (Format==HTMLForm); break; case('P'): flag = (Format==HelpForm); break; case('T'): flag = (Format==TextForm); break; case('M'): flag = (Format==ManForm); break; case('R'): flag = (Format==RTFForm); break; case('X'): flag = (Format==VaxForm); break; case('A'): flag = True; break; default: flag = False; } if( flag ) ProcessCommand(); } if( OutFile != stdout ) { fputs("\n

\n",OutFile); fclose(OutFile); } fclose(InFile); exit(0); }